Sports play a unique role in Congress 60. If sports are used properly in the issues of treatment and recovery, it could produce tremendous results. However, when implemented incautiously, it might bring more harm than good. Maybe it is for this specific reason that sports have yet to be accepted as instrumental factors in treatment and recovery of drug addiction.
We realized its importance in Congress 60 through practical experience. We found out that with proper approach and suitable sports, we can take positive steps toward the recovery process. Therefore, we had to consider various types of sports and physical exercises so that each addict depending on his or her desire, ability, and interest could participate in them. This project began with light sports such as darts and evolved to full contact sports like rugby. In fact, we believe the most efficient way to conduct sports and physical activity as a beneficial factor in addiction recovery is the gradual approach, with light activity in the beginning and full force after successful treatment and in recovery.

Drug addiction shrinks the body, introverts the knees, slumps the shoulders and neck, and pales the skin complexion. Physical exercise and sports uproot the posture, prevent obesity, boost the opioid production within the body such as Dopamine and Endorphins, fill up the free time positively, enlighten the face and spirit of the individual and give a high motivation for life and living.
It should be mentioned that we do not have a lot of support or facilities to conduct our sports program yet. We gather on weekends in a large park, and everyone stays busy with their own physical workout. Maybe it is hard to believe that our soccer players have to play on hard asphalt, darts are conducted between the trees, and chess is played on park benches. Of course, due to the great improvement that our rugby and archery teams have had so far, they practice and compete in suitable stadiums, along with an Olympic size pool for our swimmers. We started with the poorest level of facilities and gradually, things improved. For instance, the current coaches of our rugby and archery teams have previously managed the national teams.
Currently, 14 different types of sports are available for our members to engage in. Also several annual sports competitions and games such as Golden Eagle Olympics are conducted throughout the year. There are several sporting events in these competitions, with more than one thousand athletes and their families participating. Last year, 24 football teams, 20 volleyball teams, 30 teams in tug of war, 200 players for table tennis, two rugby teams, 50 swimmers, and 80 archers participated in the games. Of course, these numbers increases each year. They are conducted from November until June and they end on World Anti-narcotics Day. Once these competitions are over, there are other games available for athletes such as Sardar cup, Raad cup, and White Eagle cup, with cash prizes for the winners.
In conclusion, it should be mentioned that sports and physical activities, if conducted properly, could contribute substantially to treatment and recovery of drug addiction. They can highly improve the physical conditions of recovering and recovered people internally and externally. They fill up the free time of people in a proper method and within a positive communication. They can be of great help to rebuild damaged psyche of once addicted people and to regain their self confidence, motivation and hope for life. All in all, sports and physical activity are the most valuable, healthy, and yet cheapest forms of entertainment available for humanity and a key factor in preventing revived addicts from going back into addiction.
For numerous reasons Congress 60 has made it mandatory to participate in sports activity for each one of its members.
Drug and alcohol addictions have obvious mind-body components. Addiction sometimes begins as a result of attempts to overcome pain and depression, and attempts to quit using are often overwhelmed by physical cravings and emotional yearnings.
Congress 60 believes that achieving long-term recovery is a lengthy process which requires education, training, attention and huge effort, and it has often been compared to a marathon. Congress 60 has gained greater insight into the mind-body connection and our results are proving that doing sport and physical fitness programs are important components of long-term addiction recovery.

Incorporating a regimen of perpetual exercise and doing sports can aid recovering individuals in numerous ways. Congress 60 has made it mandatory to participate in sports activity for each one of its members. There are numerous reasons for this, some of which are:
Doing sports provides a healthy outlet for negative emotions. When you exercise, your brain releases a combination of chemicals, such as endorphins, adrenaline, serotonin, and dopamine, which make you feel good. As a substitute for turning to drugs to manage stress, pressure, or disappointment, individuals who have set up a healthy exercise regimen can work out their problems by lifting their mood and improving their emotions.
Next, doing sports and exercise on regular basis develops discipline. Discipline shapes inner strength and enhances one's general well-being and approach to life. It gives assistance to resist temptation and decide on the right path over the wrong one. Maintaining a discipline is a vital component of the long-term recovery, and following a regular exercise routine is a mean of utilizing this type of personal accountability.
Besides, incorporating perpetual sport activity increases the concentration. Exercise on a regular basis necessitates individuals to manage their time and give attention to their bodies, two activities which are important parts of staying drug free also.
Furthermore, playing sports enhances confidence. At the time that people develop their bodies through exercise, they are also enhancing their confidence and sense of accomplishment. Given, such acknowledgements of potentials and success can be beneficial when confronted with the challenges of recovery.
Generally speaking, addiction takes most of the addict’s time. The addict devotes most of his time to find, acquire, and use drugs. A positive way to fill those meaningless hours is to engage in regular sessions of vigorous exercise and participating in sport activities.
Congress 60’s goal of addiction treatment is twofold: to stop using and to maintain long-term recovery. We believe that by incorporating sports and physical exercise into one’s daily life, they enhance their ability to successfully achieve both of these goals.
Written by: Traveler Keyhan