نسخه فارسی
نسخه فارسی

.The path is revealed with progress

.The path is revealed with progress

This valley of “the path is revealed with progress” is a universal law similar to Newton’s law and how beautiful a wise man described this law: Persian poem “if you are the man of battles, you must pass through the battlefield filled with blood; if your feet are tired you must crawl the rest of the way; you step on the path and don’t say anything, the path itself will tell you how to continue the journey”. That’s right; the path itself will tell you which way to go. Of course, we must emphasize that we need to plan and have a strategy for any journey and we can’t just simply say we move forward and everything will fall into place. For example, how can anyone cross over a freezing mountain without a guide and equipment and finish the journey safely?

Fortunately, we have the previous seven valleys in our backpack, like the first valley that says “structures are formed with contemplation” or the fourth valley which teaches us that “in vital matters, one must not leave the responsibilities to God.” This valley tells us that when we want to march toward a goal after gathering all the information about the journey, we shouldn’t expect to know all the details as it is impossible to predict everything that might happen along the way. This means that what I imagine can be very different from reality and when theory is put into action many of our calculations could have a different outcome.

Therefore, in this valley, we learn not to panic in these situations and rely on God and continue our journey and as we go further down the path, our destination will become clearer. Along the way, we might come across guides and friends who can assist us in our difficulties. For example, if we want to apply for a job, we have to leave home and go down to the office and fill up an application form, otherwise if we sit and wait for eternity nothing will happen by itself.


Adopted from the book "Love, Fourteen Valleys to Kno Thyself" written by: Hossein Dezhakam

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