The Transcription of the 13th Valley CD, Part 1
In the Name of God, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful
With strength drawn from the Absolute Power of God, we begin this session.
Hello, friends. My name is Hossein, and I am a traveler and the session guardian.
(Audience responds: Hello, Hossein!)
I kindly ask everyone to observe fourteen seconds of silence to seek refuge in the Almighty and free ourselves from our greatest enemy—our own ignorance and unawareness.
(Fourteen seconds of silence observed)
Thank you, friends. I now request our esteemed secretary to provide a summary of the previous session and announce today’s agenda.
Hello, friends. My name is Neda, and I am a traveler.
(Audience responds: Hello, Neda!)
In the name of the Absolute Power of God, today the fourteenth session of the twenty-first round, dated April, 15th, 2012 is held with the agenda “the first part of the Thirteenth Valley” from the book “14 valleys for Recovery” written in 2012. The session, under the guidance and supervision of Mr. Dezhakam and with myself as the secretary, officially started at 9:00 a.m.
(Audience applauds)
Thank you!
Hello, friends. My name is Hossein, and I am a traveler.
(Audience responds: Hello, Hossein!)
All our actions in life serve as lessons and tests. Last session, when we discussed the first part of the Thirteenth valley, we handed the recording device to Mr. Amir from the publications department. But when we checked later, it turned out that nothing had been recorded—complete silence.
Now, there are different ways to react to this situation. The first approach is to look for someone to blame—who was responsible for the recording failure? But such incidents are inevitable, and honestly, no one is at fault. We've recorded sessions a hundred, even a thousand times, and yet, due to some minor, unexpected issue, the recorded CD didn’t work.
Another way to look at this issue is to accept that everything happens for a reason. We did everything correctly, but maybe it just wasn’t meant to be. Perhaps there was wisdom behind it. There's no need for anger, arguments, or frustration. No one was negligent; it just happened.
The best response is to acknowledge that maybe this was predestined [by God]. Maybe it’s actually beneficial to us that the recording didn’t work. Perhaps it means I need to go over this lesson again. And what’s the solution? The only choice is to start over and discuss the topic again. There's no other way. No matter how much we analyze it, there's no alternative.
Yes, we could try recording on mobile phones, but the sound quality wouldn’t be good enough. So, we’ll go ahead and revisit the first part of the Thirteenth Valley.
It is important to record all these sessions is that this platform is the only place where I can communicate directly with all members of Congress 60, both in Tehran and other cities.
The class is relatively empty today, we have enough time, there are no announcements or songs, and since it’s early in the morning, I can take this opportunity to speak with all of you and provide the necessary lessons.
The Thirteenth Valley is titled:
“The End of Every Point is the Beginning of Another Line.”
Truly, the Fourteen Valleys teach us the way of life. They never command us to do or not do something directly. Instead, they present a method, a system—we must decide and discover the path ourselves. They provide us with the necessary tools, and if we truly pay attention to them, we can attain peace, tranquility, and serenity. When we reach that state of inner peace, we become ready to receive.
“The end of every point is the beginning of another line.” Every time one point ends, another begins. This Valley is at work throughout existence—it never stops. We cannot determine when eternity began or when it will end. From our perspective, with our means of measurement, eternity does not have a definite start or end. We cannot say eternity lasted for four billion or twenty billion years. We can say our galaxy formed fourteen billion years ago and may cease to exist in another fourteen billion years, but we cannot claim that existence itself started at that point. There may have been other things [existences] before it.
A key point emphasized here is the power of the pen.
“From the pen, great strides flow throughout the universe, like streams merging to form roaring rivers that carry knowledge and wisdom to all of humanity. These forces shape human aspirations and desires, transforming thoughts into images and images into the foundations of truth. This foundation is a structure—while the ignorant seek to destroy it, the wise are committed to its construction. Yet, the end of every point is always the beginning of another line. And now, a new line begins, as streams flow together, converging at a single point to create a rich and fertile bed that will ultimately lead to the vast ocean. From there, by divine command, they will be sent forth to places where the divine command calls, revealing once again the splendor of the Supreme Power—whether we call it Allah, Ahura Mazda, or God. But this power does not command war; rather, it commands love to be given to all those who carry the light within them. And this has neither a beginning nor an end—it flows from the heavens to the earth and from the earth to the infinite beyond.”
Here, the discussion revolves around the Pen—all the Fourteen Valleys and some of my writings shape humans’ aims and desires, they form humans’ requests and thoughts. The pen is truly invaluable. The 13th valley asserts that the Pen’s powerful strides reach across the entire universe. Anything that is written remains—it is preserved, it takes form, it becomes part of existence. Without it, words vanish into thin air.
Many people have spoken many words, but they are lost to time. Meanwhile, Cyrus the Great’s decrees, etched into clay tablets, have endured for thousands of years. The inscriptions and symbols carved into ancient stones still exist today. They have lasted.
The same applies today—the written word can have an immense impact and bring about great change. All great thinkers, those who wielded the power of the pen, have left behind their wisdom, making them eternal. It is as if they are still present among us—Hafez, Ferdowsi, Rumi. They live on through their words.
Those who left no written legacy have faded into obscurity; they no longer exist in any meaningful way. The pen is so valuable that even in our holy scripture, the holy Quran, there is an entire Surah, chapter, named “The Pen.”
The pen is so valuable that our holy book has sworn an oath by it.
There has been much discussion about divine scriptures and religions in the holy Quran. However, throughout history, religions have sometimes been misused—this is undeniable. The Crusades, the Inquisitions led by Christian clerics are well-documented, or during the Sassanid era, Zoroastrian priests had restricted education and learning to certain classes, and religious authorities had seized the people’s wealth. A glance at history reveals the realities of those periods.
However, when it comes to our own holy book, it is beyond dispute. It cannot be dismissed and rejected with noise, nonsense and rhetoric. Fourteen centuries have passed, and yet we have not fully grasped its teachings.
Now, let’s talk about Surah Al-Qalam (The Pen).
The first verse of Surah Qalam, the Pen, reads “Nun and By the Pen and what they inscribe...”
One can interpret this verse this way: a joke can be made on the very first word of this verse, “Nun”, and its homonym in Persian “naan” pronounced /nu:n/, meaning bread.
In this way, Qalam itself brings lots of nun /nu:n/ to some people, [if Qalam writes something in favor of someone], it can bring money and riches to one’s life.
Indeed, the way a pen moves can change a person’s fate—one stroke of Qalam can bring prosperity, while another can lead to ruin [some writings lead to prosperity, while others lead a person to death]. One interpretation of this “Nun and By the Pen” this way. And a fun can be made, although one cannot play joke on this book, otherwise they may find themselves in great trouble.
Let me share a few points before returning to our main discussion, as this all started with the pen, and the pen holds immense value.
In verse 20 of Surah Yunus, it is stated:
“They say why has no miracle come to him [prophet Mohammad] from his Lord?”
“Tell them, the future belongs to God, so wait, and I too shall wait with you.”
Here, the Quran instructs the Prophet to tell the people: “you should wait and I shall wait too.” They asked prophet Mohammad why no miracle has been sent to you, and the prophet answers, you should wait, the future, belongs to God.”
Since 1974, the miracle of the Quran has been mathematically unveiled. The miracle of the holy Quran is the numbers and secrets of numbers in the Quran, because every letter of this Book, point by point, is dictated from another world or dimension beyond our own. This book is so extraordinary that the Seven Wonders of the World pale in comparison. The Pyramids of Egypt and the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, are not as astonishing as this book.
You should consider this point that fourteen centuries ago, the [modern] alphabet as we know it did not exist. I do not know in which century, people started using the modern alphabets. For instance, in those times, if they wanted to say A, they used Alef, Alef means one. The system was based on “Abjad” notation, [An abjad is a writing system in which only consonants are represented]. For example:
• Alif (ا) was considered 1,
• Be (ب) was considered 2,
• Jeem (ج) was considered 3,
• Dal (د) was considered 4,
• And the rest were named this way.
Now, what is the common multiple or the mathematical key to the Quran? The number 19.
Some may monopolize this number 19, but that is not important, it is ineffective—it does not change the reality. The holy Quran is based on the number 19.
• 29 Surahs (chapters) of the holy Quran start with unique letter combinations known as “disjointed letters” or “Muqatta” which are meaningless. The number of these words in the holy Quran is 14, The Quran has 114 chapters (which is 19 × 6).
For example:
• The letter Ṣād (ص) may appear three times at the beginning of different chapters.
• The letter Nun (ن) may appear twice.
• Some Surahs start with Alif, Lam, Meem (أَلِف لَام میم), some Surahs start with Alif, Lam, Ra (أَلِف لَام رَاء), or we have a Surah starting with Ya and Sin (یس).
In total, they are 14 combinations of them. There are 28 letters in the Arabic alphabet, and exactly 14 of them appear in these unique letter combinations—half of the alphabet, the sets of alphabets like Alif, Lam, Ra, Ya, Sin, Sad, if you calculate them totally, they never exceed these 14 letters. Then, we have 29 Surahs starting with 14 combinations of 14 letters.
For centuries, Islamic scholars have debated their meaning. Some have suggested that these letters are a secret code between God and the Prophet, known only to him and certain spiritual figures. Other interpreters say something else, some of them have theorized meanings such as:
• Alif (ا) stands for Allah,
• Lam (ل) stands for Jibreel (Gabriel),
• Meem (م) stands for Mohammad.
These interpreters say that Alif, Lam, Mim stand for Allah, Mohammad and Jibreel (Gabriel). It stands for a triangle that Allah sends his messages to Gabriel and Gabriel sends them to Mohammad and then the Holy Quran was written.
But later on, it was revealed that even if such interpretations hold truth, that we do not deny, because we are not expert in them; however, the holy Quran is based on mathematical basis, some evidence showed that all of Quran is based on mathematics, it is just the same as music.
But later it became clear that the holy Quran follows an accurate mathematical basis. We don't deny other interpretations because it's not our area of expertise. But when we see these identified mathematical multiples, we are persuaded that everything works this way. It's like music – you have a melody in 6/8 time, and it stays in 6/8 from beginning to end. Or a waltz, which is in 3/4 time, everything follows that 3/4 rhythm, or 4/4, or whatever it is, the rhythm stays consistent. Similarly, the holy Quran is based on the multiple of the number 19. The number 19 is significant because the phrase “Bismillah al-Rahman al-Rahim” ( :بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم in the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful) has 19 letters. If you count the letters of “بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم” individually, you reach 19 letters.
For those who do not know mathematics, it is not something difficult to understand “Common Multiple”, for example, when we say a number is “multiple of 2,” it means that this number can be divided by 2 without leaving a remainder. So 4 divided by 2 is 2, 6 divided by 2 is 3, 50 divided by 2 is 25, 100 divided by 2 is 50—there’s no fraction or remainder. This applies to multiples of 3 too. For instance, 6 divided by 3 is 2, 9 divided by 3 is 3, 30 divided by 3 is 10, and 3000 divided by 3 is 1000. It means there’s no remainder.
Now, if we divide the total number of Surahs (114) by 19, we get 6. If you multiply 20 by 6 you will get 120, you subtract six from 120, you we get 114. But here’s the interesting part: one of those 114 Surahs does not start with “Bismillah al-Rahman al-Rahim.” Surah 9 is the only one that does not start with it. But to maintain the rhythm, Surah 27 has two “Bismillah al-Rahman al-Rahim” phrases. These are minor details I’m mentioning. Between Surah 9, where “Bismillah al-Rahman al-Rahim” is absent, and Surah 27, where it’s repeated twice, we still see that the number of Surahs is 19. If you list them –Surah 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, and 27 – you will see that there are 19 Surahs in between Surah number 9 and 27.
Let’s look at Surah Al-Qalam (The Pen) that we were talking about. In this Surah, there are 133 instances of the letter N in Arabic “Noon, نون.” If you divide 133 by 19, you get the number 7. In the case of “noon,” it’s written with three letters /n, u:, and n/, in which two noons /n/ have been considered and calculated for this word. If it were just a single “noon,” there would be 132, and the division wouldn't work out. So in Surah Al-Qalam, we have 133 instances of “noon,” and this number is a common multiple of 19.
This is significant because, in the mathematical structure of the Qur'an, things are arranged in such a way that if you change or alter something—whether it’s adding or subtracting—then the whole [mathematic] system will break down. These numbers and letters aren't there just for decoration or mystery; they’re there to ensure that the system works as intended. Changing them would immediately disrupt the balance, it is as if these mathematical patterns is guarding the holy Quran.
There are some words [muqatta'at] placed at the beginning of some Surahs, if you change them, the system will be disrupted. It wasn't done for aesthetics or as a puzzle. It was done so that if you change it, whether you add or remove a verse, it immediately shows what happens. We come to Surah Qaf; there were a few interesting points that I thought I had to share with you. We have two Surahs that start with “Qaf قاف,” and the letter “Qaf” is in them.
To be continued
Translated by Elahe