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نسخه فارسی

Wednesdays' Workshop by Mr. Hossen Dezhakam (October 11th, 2024)

Wednesdays' Workshop by Mr. Hossen Dezhakam (October  11th, 2024)

The 14th  session of the 82nd  round of  Congress 60 workshops in the Academy branch of Congress 60 was administered on October  11th, 2024 at 10 a.m. by Mr. Hossein  Dezhakam as the guest speaker and Mr. Aqil as the secretary. The agenda was “The DST Method and My Experience from Other Methods”.


Today is the 11th of October and slowly, slowly, autumn is passing by. Autumn, with the best display of the colors of the trees, invites you to pay attention to nature. Look at the leaf-covered sidewalks and feel that we are floating in this life and world. The Earth is very beautiful, though some places and some issues may get ruined, but overall, it is a very beautiful and lovely place. Try to enjoy this blessing. It is 25 minutes to 11, and we are at the academy. I read the short report of female travelers assistants’ meeting:
The issue of nail extensions brings two crises with it. In the meeting of the assistants, we discussed this issue. There is a separate meeting for companions, and they have their own assistants' council, just as the travelers do, and these councils consist of 10 to 15 people. This issue was examined, similar to the advertisements on the television showing you that vapes are risk-free without any dangers and the way they show the smoke, they promote it as if it's the best remedy, while in reality, it is damaging the lungs and everything else. But they start with misleading advertisements. One of these misleading advertisements is about artificial nail extensions, which truly brings about disaster and involves two problems and crises. First, it leads to various types of skin fungi, because when nails are so long, all kinds of dirt and filth get trapped beneath them. No matter how much you clean, the dirt remains, and slowly it turns into fungi, as the nails don’t receive oxygen. By applying special glue and chemicals, we have sealed the nails, suffocating them, and over time, the nails start to turn yellow, the fingers become infected, and cracks appear, leading to several diseases. The first problem is various types of skin fungi, and the second is the UV light used, which is carcinogenic and has caused problems. It is a very frightening crisis. We are not opposed to or denying beauty; in fact, we are very fond of beauty, and beauty is something very good. However, some things are not beautiful. If you remember, in the past, witchcraft films showed witches with long nails, and the nails were the witch’s symbol in the movies, which from a hygiene and health perspective is questionable. Among the female travelers, it has become a trend and almost a rule that those women who are guides, and those guiding newcomers, need to be role models when newcomers enter Congress 60 and first meet their newcomer guide.
Today's agenda is the DST method, and in Congress 60, our job is to make everything rule-governed and we regulate everything. For example, they say that a person can overcome cancer with their own willpower. We've had many cases where individuals were in critical conditions, hooked up to IVs, blood transfusions, and oxygen due to leukemia, but suddenly they got up, removed their IVs, started exercising, biking, and later even became world champions. That's only one example. Now, what happens? If we do the same thing, we will die very easily. Science must be systematic, classified, and documented and have a specific structure. That’s where the DST method comes in; it works based on the laws of existence. The program of existence is gradual. Everything happens gradually — trees grow gradually, farming is gradual, even the sea’s tides happen gradually. If it were all sudden, there would be a tsunami, and a tsunami is something dangerous and frightening.
This gradual method is derived from nature so that we can adapt ourselves to circumstances gradually. But the important issue is that there is something in global medicine that I believe still exists today and hasn't been solved—it doesn't have a defined compatibility. Particularly with psychotropic drugs, for instance, we give someone a sleeping pill for two years, and after two years, we can’t take it back. If we do, it causes extreme dysregulations. Some might have succeeded, but they don’t have the necessary balance. Stopping the medication is one thing, but mental, emotional, and physiological balance is another.
The DST method essentially teaches how to gradually taper off a medication given to an individual and how to administer the drug in a way that is compatible with the person. We wanted to conduct experiments on five substances: opium, heroin, amphetamines, fentanyl, and alcohol. We performed experiments on opium and fentanyl (which is the same as Captagon pills) and also on amphetamines. Heroin and alcohol are still in our work plan to figure out how to test how they affect physiological features in human beings, something that hasn’t ever been done. We aim to thoroughly study the effects of all these drugs on the body.
Moreover, one of our articles has been published. The article was about D-sap. We conducted a study on about 300 individuals who had consumed it at Taleghani Park, and blood samples were taken from them. Another 300 people who had not consumed D-sap were also tested, and their immune systems were examined. It was found that the 300 people who had consumed D-sap had much stronger and healthier immune systems, capable of resisting COVID-19 and other diseases, compared to those who hadn’t consumed it. This research was published in one of the top ranking American journals, and from there, scientific websites are reprinting it. Especially for an article about infectious diseases, it is almost unimaginable that it would be published in such high-ranking American journals, but fortunately, since we had something important to say, the article was accepted and published.
For instance, the cost of publishing this article was $11,000 because, when an article is published, three main reviewers review it, first the editor-in-chief approves it and then it will be reviewed and evaluated by two highly professors to determine if it’s scientifically valid. Each professor receives $2,000 or more for reviewing the article. There were some challenges, especially for articles coming from Iran, and our article had to be accepted and published four months ago. Some fraudulent activities in Iran had caused all Iranian articles to undergo a second round of reviews to ensure no forgery. Thankfully, our article was cleared, and hopefully, more of our papers will be published in the future. This research has received positive recognition worldwide, including in Seoul, South Korea, where the AACR (American Association for Cancer Research) and cancer researchers in Seoul are hosting a major congress. I was invited as a guest, and the article was published just yesterday.
We wanted to make the mice alcoholic for testing, and we took several of them for experiments. When we wanted to test opium, there were 100 rats that were grouped and categorized. We had to make them addicted and then get them to quit. Now, we had to give them alcohol and then help them quit it. When I saw the method we wanted to use to make the rats alcoholic, I realized that the method they provided, which is practiced worldwide, is completely wrong. It’s not correct. They may ask: Why isn’t it correct? [We are dealing with addiction], someone who wants to become an alcoholic CANNOT drink a bottle of liquor from day one, it means you can’t give someone who wants to become an alcoholic a whole bottle of liquor from the start. The dose needs to gradually increase. You need to do this very slowly because the mice used for experiments tend to die early [as they received the maximum amount of alcohol from the very beginning day]. Making them alcoholic all at once is entirely wrong. It’s like giving someone a whole bottle of alcohol on the first day and ask them to drink the same bottle every day. Their liver will fail, or they will die. When we want to conduct an experiment, we are forced to follow what scientists say. After realizing that the current method of making rats addict is wrong, we provided an addendum, and we found a method to gradually increase the alcohol dose for the rats, which again led us to the DST method. DST is not just for reducing medication; it’s also about gradually introducing a medication to ensure compatibility, starting from a low dose. This applies to methadone and many other drugs, including OT (opium tincture). Therefore, the DST method involves both tapering up and down, which means gradually increasing or decreasing the doses. It follows a regular rhythm, and Dezhakam’s coefficient of 0.8, is very suitable for this gradual tapering up and down. The steps take 21 days, allowing the body's metabolism to become familiar with the change. The full project lasts 10 months. For example, if you want to make someone fully alcoholic, reaching the peak dose will take 10 months, starting from a low dose and increasing gradually. The same applies to opium and medicines. If you want to wean them off the medication, it will also take 10 months. Stopping a drug suddenly is the wrong approach. Some people say, we used to take sleeping pills, and we them suddenly. This harms their system. Women taking [psychoactive] pills, should not quit suddenly or become emotional to cut it suddenly. They should taper the dose down to half or one-fifth over the course of one or two years. What I mean is that the DST method not only made significant progress in the field of addiction treatment but will also open up a wide range of applications for other medical sciences.
The guides can help their pupils to gradually quit certain [psychoactive] drugs. Pay attention to certain things: for example, a four-year-old child is labeled hyperactive, and they immediately start giving the child [Ritalin] pills. Don’t just think about the child’s present; consider their future. It’s like the beggars at street corners who carry a child and give them a little opium so that they sleep and don’t cry. Families sometimes do the same — to stop the child from screaming, they give them Ritalin, which calms them down. But think about what happens when they turn 20. You'll find that they take Ritalin for a while and become completely addict to the pills and reliant on the drug. If you were to ask, 'Which do you prefer between cocaine and Ritalin? I would say cocaine. Now, maybe in some cases, Ritalin (methylphenidate) is necessary, and it’s a very good medication, but using it like candy is not good. With the DST method, a transformation in medical science can be achieved, and it happens gradually. The research done in Congress 60 is all a result of the efforts and activities of the youth, especially those in the Legions of Sardar, donors, and the Pahlavans, [Sardar legions are the financial legions in which Congress 60 members who have donated 100, 1000 and 10000 dollars attend] and  as well as those who work behind the scenes. Thanks to them, we are able to conduct our research and publish our articles. In 5 or 6 months, the university project will be complete. This is no small feat—it has a 10,000 square meter foundation. Just think, this year alone, we had expenses close to 110 billion Tomans [about two million dollars] in six months. See and calculate how much it will be monthly. God helps and Congress 60 members have reached that ability and awareness. That awareness is very important.
Thank you for listening to me.
Translated by Elahe

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