نسخه فارسی
نسخه فارسی

Wednesdays Workshops:“How to use Instagram and the website, as well as writing articles.”

Wednesdays Workshops:“How to use Instagram and the website, as well as writing articles.”

Hello friends, I'm Hossein, a traveler.
I hope you are all doing well. I'm also doing well, thank God. Today is September 21, 1403 (Persian calendar), and the last month of summer is almost over as we approach fall. It's 10:23 in the morning, and we are at the Academy building in Tehran.

This week's topic: “How to use Instagram and the website, as well as writing articles.”
When I arrive in the mornings and start working, with only 5 minutes left before the meeting, I ask the guys what the topic is, and they tell me, for example, that the topic is such and such. So, I’m already prepared to talk, but I don’t have the time to make any preparations. Therefore, I kindly ask the secretaries to inform me a week before the meeting whether it's a website week or a Marzban week. If it’s Marzban week, I need to prepare a gift for the Marzbans, or if it’s the week of the Dideban, I need to get something for the Didebans. It would be great if they could let me know in advance.

It’s "website and Instagram" week because Congress 60 continues its work through both external and internal movements. Instagram and the Congress 60 60 60 60 website are both external movements. The website gets nearly 50,000 visits a day, and roughly 60 interactions occur through the site. This is because various scientific institutions and other centers use it, and it serves as our display window, showcasing our work and activities. People from all over the world can get to know us through the site. When they first access it, the site is in English, and from there, they can switch to the Persian version. It used to be the opposite: you’d open the site in Persian and then switch to English. But now, it opens in English, and if they wish, they can switch to the Persian site from there.

Instagram is also fully active. The Congress 60 60 60's Instagram and website belong to all the members of Congress 60 60 60 60. We might be one of the oldest groups to have a website, dating back to those early times when websites weren’t yet popular. We've been using the site since then. It's the responsibility of all of us to use the Congress 60 60 60 60 website and Instagram and to strengthen them. Where we need to leave comments or like posts, we should do so.
Some people create their own personal platforms, and that's not right. For example, someone might have a page and start sharing photos from a Congress 60 60 60’s camp before they even appear on the official Instagram. This is not appropriate. I mentioned this before: none of us can act on behalf of the Congress 60 60 60’s Instagram. Sure, if it's your birthday, you can post a couple of your own pictures, but we can't take over the role of Congress 60 60 60's Instagram. If you're at a camp or tree-planting event, you shouldn't film it and post it on your personal Instagram just to gain followers. That’s not a respectful or proper action. We can’t use Congress 60 60 60's resources for our personal pages.

Another important point is that, in order to be better recognized globally, each and every one of us needs to strengthen the Congress 60 60’s website and Instagram. If we're supposed to share certain content, we should do it. If we're supposed to like posts, we should do that too, all for the progress of Congress 60 60. Because our Instagram and website represent the external movement of Congress 60 60, we can use these platforms to strengthen and introduce Congress 60 60 to the world. Our website is available in both Persian and English, and those who can contribute should come forward and collaborate.

The Congress 60’s website and Instagram teams often find themselves working alone, tirelessly managing the platforms. Since the website is always active, they are constantly on duty, working every day, uploading content. It's the same with Instagram. Sometimes, they work until 8 or 9 at night, creating clips, animations, and organizing materials. They do a lot of work.
The website was originally set up by Mr. Shahrouz Azarpour, who designed it from a young age and continues to develop and improve it. Hamed is now the site agent. As for Instagram, all the work is handled by Shani. Shani is the one who initiated it and continues to follow up regularly. Right now, Shani has gone to a camp to film various segments, which will become part of our archive and informational resources.

Another issue is article writing, which is ongoing in Congress, with articles regularly being published. However, we've encountered some problems with scientific credibility and the approval of our work by scientific authorities. This is because some of the practices we follow are incorrect. When these actions are wrong, they're not on the straight path, and when we're not on the straight path, they can cause us significant harm—sometimes severe damage.
What's the wrong practice? For example, I might be the head of a research center, and when people submit their articles, I tell them, "You must include my name as well."

Well, in other countries, anyone contributing to an article must have actually participated in the work. If they haven’t contributed, they’ll even say, "Don’t include my name." But here, in our academic and research centers, it became customary that, for example, if someone became the Deputy of Research in, say, Public Health, then anyone submitting an article had to include their name. Or, if someone was a minister, every article had to include the name of the Minister of Science or the Minister of Health.
Now, it may seem fine when their name is added out of respect, but what if the article turns out to be fake? What if the work is stolen? What if it’s a fraudulent article?

In such cases, you might see that a Minister of Health or another high-ranking official ends up on a blacklist, with accusations that they’re involved in fraud. In reality, the minister might not even be aware of any fraud; it could be that a student submitted a fake article, included the minister's name and the research center's name, and now, the fraudulent article has surfaced. This situation leads to accusations that Iran’s ministers are involved in fraud and that research center heads are also complicit. This causes a major scandal and significant damage to our reputation.
Here, a research center head might say they weren’t involved in the article, especially if their expertise is in a different field, like ENT, and their name is being included on an article outside their specialty. This practice is incorrect and has led to challenges and problems with the articles we submit.

For example, when an article is accepted, they now ask for the serial number of the machines and devices used, such as a macroarray device or laboratory equipment. It's like saying, if you used a specific vehicle, you need to provide the vehicle’s license plate number. This requirement adds a bit of complexity, but fortunately, we're making progress.
Sometimes, our articles faced issues and crises due to delays or misunderstandings, which affected their acceptance. I hope these problems will be resolved. Meanwhile, we continue with our article writing efforts, and it's great that the team is pursuing higher education. The results we aim for now will become evident in 10, 15, 20, or even 30 years. You’ll see that in Congress 60, we have many PhDs in psychology, social work, and counseling. They will be able to provide valuable information and insights in the future.

The work at Kharazmi University is progressing steadily. We’ve reached the final stages, with the facade stones completed, doors being installed, and electrical fittings being put in place. The work continues diligently, day and night. The expenses are substantial, but it’s not a significant issue.

This is about Instagram. Another issue is that we need to minimize photo-taking. It seems like people are more focused on recording events rather than truly experiencing them. At birthdays, for example, everyone starts taking photos right from the beginning—photos with just two people, three people, with parents, without parents, and so on, ending up with hundreds of photos. Then, these photos are often useless, with phones filling up and photos being deleted.
People are either constantly taking photos or glued to their phones, which erodes real connections and relationships. At Congress 60’s events, for instance, taking photos can delay things. When there are a hundred people waiting in the courtyard, and someone has just been released, their classmates want to take group photos, and so on. We need to reduce this photo-taking and focus on experiencing the moments rather than just capturing them.

For the release ceremony, guides should instruct their students that only the person who is being released should take photos. They have worked hard with their guide for ten or eleven months or even a year to reach this point, and now they want to take a commemorative photo with their guide or with me. However, often others want to join in, and sometimes they crowd around so much that the person being honored is pushed aside. This can disrupt the moment. We need to manage this and limit the photo-taking.

Another issue is the Jones Legion. Since it started, I have instructed some individuals to become guides without prior testing. The approach we have in the Jones Legion is completely unique. I've explained several times that I've written the book on weight loss and construction of body, and everything is prepared. However, I plan to include a series of photos in the book because, as the saying goes, seeing is believing.
In the CD announcement, I asked both women and men who have significant photos—both before and after their weight loss—to send them to me. If they are willing, I will include these photos in the book along with their names, dates, the amount of weight they lost, and their guide's name. I want to include at least a collection of photos showing how individuals have achieved treatment and weight loss using this method.

You see, no method has proven effective; all the approaches have been incorrect and flawed in my opinion. The issue isn’t about dieting itself but about not knowing how to eat properly. What does obesity mean? I've said it many times: obesity is the storage of fat in the body as energy. Why? Just like polar bears, who eat a lot and store fat during spring and summer, then use that fat during winter when they hibernate. The same mechanism applies to humans. The body thinks it might face a famine, so it keeps storing fat, even when consuming water or snacks.
The real problem with obesity is poor planning and not knowing how to eat. Today’s common solutions either involve restricting food intake or starting exercise. However, exercising to lose 20 kilograms can result in loose skin and destruction of muscle tissue because the fat is burned off too quickly. People face severe difficulties with this. Other methods involve either extreme calorie restriction or fat removal surgeries, which have led to numerous complications and fatalities. Reducing the size of the stomach or intestines is also a drastic and risky measure.

None of these methods work; only the program outlined in the CDs should be followed. According to this program, the body will naturally burn fat if it recognizes that it doesn't need to store it. The unique approach we have involves understanding the body's signals so it no longer feels the need to store fat.
People are losing significant amounts of weight—14 kilograms, 20 kilograms, 30 kilograms, 40 kilograms, even 50 kilograms—while eating regular meals, having breakfast, and dinner, and doing minimal or no exercise. They follow no special diet; the key is that the body learns to release the stored fat on its own.

So, those who are currently guiding should not search online for methods like fasting and autophagy. These practices are related to Ramadan and specific health conditions, and they are not part of our program. We do not engage in autophagy or fasting. These methods should be excluded from our approach.
If someone wants to try fasting or autophagy, they should do so outside of the Jones Legion program. No guide has the right to implement these methods or propose their own plans, as they will not yield results and can cause problems. From the beginning of humanity until now, these methods haven't proven effective, and they are not part of our approach, which also applies to smoking cessation, addiction treatment, and other areas.
Do not look online for alternative methods or dietary restrictions. If you want to follow these methods, pursue them on your own. No guide is allowed to create or follow programs outside the 11 CDs, as this will lead to issues and ineffective results.

This is a point that all participants need to be aware of to avoid deviation from the program. We will soon be conducting tests and exams for guides to ensure they are well-prepared and capable. Any Legion that deviates by proposing their own programs or excessive exercise will be immediately addressed. If I notice such deviations, I will definitely take action to correct them.
No alternative methods or excessive approaches will be effective. The key is to proceed smoothly and comfortably, which will result in weight loss. You can see that participants are losing significant amounts of weight—27 kilograms, 28 kilograms, 40 kilograms, 10 kilograms, 12 kilograms—by following the program as prescribed.

Another crucial point I want to emphasize is that excess weight can lead to numerous health problems. For instance, women with excess weight often face difficulties in becoming pregnant. Men can experience similar issues, as excess weight can impact fertility. The reason is quite clear: when someone carries 30 kilograms of extra weight, their body becomes saturated with fat, leaving no space for a fetus. If you compare the anatomy of an average person with that of an overweight person, you will see that the latter's organs are surrounded by fat—around the liver, stomach, heart, and thighs. This excess fat leads to a range of health issues, including infertility, irregular ovulation, fibroids, back pain, and leg pain. Excess weight causes a multitude of health problems.

When you reduce your weight using the Congress 60’s method, these health issues are also addressed and improved. However, if you use methods like fasting or others, these health problems often remain unresolved. The Congress 60’s method allows the body to naturally eliminate excess materials, as the body itself is the expert in this process. In contrast, other methods attempt to forcefully expel fat, which is fundamentally different from how our method works.

These are the points I wanted to cover. Today, fortunately, our champions are also coming forward one by one. Before that, let’s start with the site's team—Mr. Hamed Rahmati from the Persian site or Ms. Sadeghi from the English site. We will first implement the Eleven Rule (Voluntary support for the "Basket of Funds" is an initiative where participants willingly contribute to a fund to support various activities or needs within Congress 60. This support is provided out of personal commitment and is not mandatory.) and then we can have the site team speak before moving on to our champions.

Implementation of Rule Eleven
Broadcasting the Congress 60 Anthem (is a significant song for Congress 60, often played during workshops to foster a sense of unity and pride among members.)

Mr. Dezhakam: We should also extend our heartfelt thanks to the camp team because they truly put in a lot of effort. On Sunday, I visited Baladeh with the officials from the Anti-Drug Demand Reduction Department, including Dr. Nazari and Dr. Jamalu, to see the progress. The organization, discipline, and everything were at their highest levels, with everything meticulously planned. Each section operated in three shifts—baking, cooking, dishwashing, and the bathing area—all worked around the clock. The bakery was particularly busy, with 7 to 10 people per shift, highlighting how essential the bread was, as we had so many people in need of it (laughs).

It was interesting that they even had a bath area there. Since the guys would go outside to bathe, they had a section with large boilers set over wood fires to heat the water. The guys would sit on benches, pour warm water over themselves, use washcloths, soap up, and wash their heads and bodies. It was a new model of bathing, a Baladeh style (laughs). We have Japanese baths, we have saunas, and now we have this unique Baladeh bath setup for their needs.

I hope that in the future, our experience will grow, and we will be able to organize similar camps for women as well. This time, for a couple of days, my daughter Anni was there on behalf of the group of companions to see how things were run, and Shani was there too so that we can prepare for the future camps for women. It’s a learning experience; for example, in the mornings, everyone needs to wake up at 5:30 AM, and at night, lights out is at 10 PM. If someone wants to leave the camp, they need to get permission. Every detail was well-planned, and it was genuinely enjoyable and lively. The camp was very impressive and fun for the officials of the headquarters, who found it very lively and enjoyable.

Whenever we go to places dealing with addiction issues, we often see people either crying, being upset, or in withdrawal. They may have their shirt buttons undone down to their stomach, wearing dirty flip-flops, with a general state of disarray. There’s often smoking, swearing, and expressions of despair. But when you enter Congress 60, you don't encounter these issues

They had built a beautiful pool with icy water that one wouldn’t even dare to touch, and people were swimming in it. They even held 50-meter swimming races. Hopefully, the situation will improve so that women can also have the opportunity to attend similar camps in the future. We should express our gratitude to Amin, who is responsible for the camp, and to the other camp organizers. They put in a lot of effort and spent months planning. There were many tents, and 510 people participated in this camp, only including those who were service providers (servants). Those wearing Shaals were the only ones allowed to be part of the camp.

Each tent accommodates four people. It’s not the case that people from the same group or city are placed in the same tent. Instead, names are assigned based on alphabetical order, and tents are allocated accordingly. One tent might have participants from Mashhad, another from Tabriz, another from Kerman, and another from Shahrekord. This arrangement helps them strengthen their connections and make new friends from other cities. May God give them strength and power.

Translated by: Marjan

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