نسخه فارسی
نسخه فارسی

Communications of Hossein and Bill (Reply to Bill, March 1, 2025)

Communications of Hossein and Bill (Reply to Bill, March 1, 2025)

March 1, 2025

Dear Bill,
I hope you are doing well. I am fine.

Since tomorrow morning marks the beginning of the month of Ramadan, and I usually engage less in research work and correspondence while fasting, I decided to write you a few brief lines today.

As you know, and as stated in the Twelfth Valley, every member of Congress 60, upon reaching treatment or redemption, must express gratitude and make amends by planting a tree each year. Therefore, all members of Congress 60 are responsible for planting at least one tree annually. Of course, I personally plant at least dozens, and sometimes even hundreds of trees each year on my farm.

How beautiful and inspiring it would be if all similar groups involved in addiction treatment and recovery adopted this practice — planting a tree every year and celebrating this effort annually. Such an initiative could greatly contribute to the health of this polluted planet and make life on Earth more beautiful and sustainable.

As for the trees Congress 60 plants each year and the desertification prevention efforts we undertake — turning deserts into forests — all these activities are carried out on lands and deserts that do not belong to Congress 60.

In other words, each year, we negotiate with government agencies responsible for forests and deserts. They designate lands for us, and we plant trees, shrubs, or desert plants there. For instance, to combat desertification, we use wild almond seeds (Amygdalus scoparia) which require minimal water. These almond seeds are provided to us by the government’s Natural Resources Department. Similarly, for tree planting, the Forestry Department supplies us with the necessary saplings, while the digging of holes, planting, and watering of the trees — which continues for about four years — is entirely our responsibility.

It is worth mentioning that this work takes place in all Congress 60 branches across various cities, starting one month before spring and continuing until one month after spring begins.

I hope to gradually share photos or videos from these ceremonies with you.

I will write about other matters in my next letter, and I hope that, despite Ramadan and the New Year holidays, I can still send you brief notes from time to time.

May you always remain youthful and eternal.

Your lifelong friend and brother, on Earth and in the heavens,

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