Mr. Hossein Dezhakam's Speech at Joint Conference on Precision Medicine in Cancer:
Hello Ladies and Gentlemen, Mr. Chairman,
I sincerely thank you for inviting me to this conference. What are we seeking? Is it the elimination of the cause of a disease or the effects of the disease? Should we focus on eradicating the cause of cancer or just its symptoms? As Shakespeare said:
**"To be or not to be, that is the question."**
Cause or effect, which one matters more?
Let me share a personal experience with you that might resonate.
We live in a house near a small river. One day, the wall of our bedroom became damp. To remove the moisture, we placed an electric heater in front of the wall. The wall dried, and we thought the issue was resolved. Unfortunately, a week later, the dampness returned.
We called in a builder, who identified that the source of moisture is the bathroom wall of a neighbor. He suggested to break the plaster, apply insulation, and replaster the wall. We followed his advice, and the dampness disappeared.
However, a month later, another wall in the bedroom showed signs of dampness. We repeated the process—breaking, insulating, and replastering. Once again, it worked temporarily.
Eventually, we were in great trouble, the dampness metastasized the house—to the doors, walls, living room, kitchen, and beyond. We got forced to leave the house. Before leaving, we shut off the main water and gas stop taps, and electricity supplies.
Three months later, we returned to check on the house, and to our surprise, everything was dry. We moved back in, the dampness reappeared soon after.
We were confused, and consulted another expert. He smiled, and said the root cause is tiny holes in a pipe running beneath the bedroom floor. Since the problem resolved when we turned off the water supply, that is why the building was dry when we came back [however, after coming back, the problem reappeared]. when we cracked the ground, we saw several holes in the pipes, after repairing the pipe, the issue was finally resolved.
Reflecting on this, I wondered why I had focused solely on removing the dampness (the effect) instead of addressing its cause—the holes in the pipe.
Now, let’s return to our main discussion: cancer.
A question arises: should we focus only on eliminating the symptoms of cancer—via chemotherapy, radiotherapy, surgery, and similar methods—or should we simultaneously seek to understand and address its root causes?
I do not oppose treatments like chemotherapy, radiotherapy, or tumor removal. These are often essential. However, the primary concern should be identifying the cause of cancer and its proper treatment.
For example, if someone has a high fever, we must reduce the fever first. But it is equally important to investigate the underlying cause—perhaps an infection or another issue in the body.
So, what is the main cause of cancer?
I believe the root lies in disruptions to the body's main systems, including the nervous, immune, digestive, circulatory systems, and the microbiome, which means imbalances in neurotransmitters, hormones, mediators, endocrine, and exocrine glands. All the main physical systems, their interconnections and the leading pattern of these systems (the epigenetic pattern) is called the “X System” by me.
The X System suggests that when any component is disrupted, certain groups of gene expressions go out of regulation, leading to diseases. The diversity of diseases stems from the diversity in deregulated gene expressions, including various cancers.
If we can re-regulate these gene expressions, we can potentially achieve definitive treatments. The question is: how can we achieve this re-regulation in gene expressions?
The answer lies in creating the right conditions for the body. We cannot directly re-regulate gene expressions, but we can provide the necessary conditions and raw materials, such as appropriate medicines, so the body can heal and reset itself—similar to how bones heal or wounds close naturally.
This leads to three crucial principles:
1. The right medicine
2. In the right dosage
3. At the right time
These three are the main principles of re-regulating of genes and curing all types of cancers and diseases.
To do this great job, we used “opium tincture”, containing approximately 50 important alkaloids like morphine, codeine, papaverine, and others. Administered in appropriate doses, at proper intervals, and for the right duration, using the “DST method” and the “DOD triangle”, we achieved significant results.
In mouse experiments, we observed notable outcomes in curing leukemia (CML, CLL, AML, ALL types), inhibiting angiogenesis, and metastasis in breast cancer. Our results, published and presented in international conferences, also extend to conditions like MS, colitis, wound healing, and epilepsy.
In summary, all cancers share a common factor— which are the changes in their epigenomics. Thus, all of them can follow just one unique curing pattern, we have found this pattern which is the DST method and the DOD triangle, adhering to the three principles of proper medicine, dosage, and timing.
The DST method involves:
- D stands for Dezhakam’s reduction or increase coefficient (equal to 0.8)
-S is a 21-day duration for each step of dose adjustment
-T stands for a 10-month duration for increasing or reducing the dose
The DOD triangle consists of:
- D standing for the DST method
- O stands for Opium Tincture, a solution of opium, alcohol, and water
- D is the initial letter of Dose
I will now leave the rest of the discussion to my esteemed colleague, Dr. Arvin Haghighatfard.
Translated by Elahe