The Great Alchemist
In ancient times, people were seeking for a substance which could change less valuable metals like iron, bronze and copper into gold. They were hopeful to this with the help of chemistry. This chemical was called "elixir' and this process was called "alchemy". Human beings had this in their mind from many many years ago and the Greeks were the first people seeking this material. Geek scientists and philosophers failed to find such a substance.
In Iran, Mohammad Ibn Zakaria Razi (the scholar, 865-925 A.D.) tried to continue the Geeks' and went blind in this path. After a while, they realized that it was a myth to find such a substance. They understood it was impossible to discover it and they gave it up.
As time wore on, they forgot alchemy and elixir, as if they never had existed in the history of human beings. However, in the last moments of the second millennium, a surprising event took place. It was like a volcano which had revived after many centuries. A new alchemist tried a new type of alchemy. He never talked about gold or copper. Before him, many people tried to find the reviving substance; however, none of them were successful. They eventually declared that it is impossible to find a substance with the capability of changing things. They said that we have given up finding such a substance.
However, our alchemist was confident about his way. He did know everything. The difference between him and his ancestors was that he had the divine glory with himself. He decided to revive people who even could not tolerate themselves. How was it possible? How can one make gold out of iron? No one believed him and his words. However, he himself was completely sure. He had the least facilities, but he believed in the Lord. The path was rocky with many difficulties; however, he knew how to pass it with the help of the Lord. He was equipped with knowledge, wisdom, experience and God's help. He had entered the most glorious field of alchemy. He focused on the three sides of body, psych and worldview and he discovered how to treat addiction. The formula he discovered read that first of all, the body cells must be reconstructed through DST (Dezhakam Step Time) method and he founded a new idea in thinking and worldview. These two sides will make the psych balanced. Eventually and unexpectedly the bronze changes into gold. The perfect documents (those who are liberated from addiction) are here near us. Today, in the 20th anniversary of Congress60's foundation, more than 20 thousands of addicts are liberated from addiction. Among them are many guides who come to help people like themselves without any expectations. They are doing what has hassled many scientists and physicians in the world with wasting lots of money and resources. They are here to help people around the clock without any payment or salary.
I have to note that this NGO receives no money from any other NGOs or organizations, however, it could gather lots of money (to help other addicts) with the help of its members. You can see people, from whom once money was hidden (because they might steal that), now gathering millions of dollars to help other people. You can see how disabled people (incapable of doing their daily tiny chores) planted 3000 trees this year. You can see how these unsocial people (who once never met their parents for the new year) go visiting their master (Mr. Dezhakam) in a very high disciplined manner). Now, let's ask a question: was he successful in reviving or altering people? You are the JUDGE!
Only wise people can see this change. Only the wise can realize this truth. However, it is obvious that alchemy now is not a myth or imagination. This impossible dream came true with the hard attempts and efforts of a great man, called Mr. Hossein Dezhakam. Wish you a long life the alchemist of our life! You did the MIRACLE.
Written by traveler Bahman Laripour
Translated by Elahe