نسخه فارسی
نسخه فارسی

Discovery of the DST Method in Ramadan, 1996

Discovery of the DST Method in Ramadan, 1996

Discovery of the DST Method in Ramadan, 1996
The initial discovery of the DST method dates back to Ramadan in 1996, when Mr. Dezhakam, after 15 days of fasting, noticed that two of his substance consumption doses had become regulated. He decided to first regulate both the amount and timing of his consumption, which marked the solid foundation for the development of the DST method.
Upon entering Congress 60, a traveler sets their dosage and consumption schedule and adjusts it according to the guide’s instructions. In the structured program, there is an 8-hour interval between each dose, and after completing the 21-day step, the dosage is gradually reduced. This process highlights two key points: The first is the importance of discipline in life. The Absolute Power, in the creation of the universe and all worlds, has always embedded discipline as a fundamental principle. The regular cycle of day and night, the changing of seasons, and the precise alignment of planets and stars in their orbits all demonstrate the divine order established by the Absolute Power. Our great figures, such as Imam Ali, have consistently advocated for discipline. Thus, incorporating order into our lives will simplify many challenges, as we are but drops from the ocean of God’s light, and His attributes are mirrored in us. The second point is that, between doses, Carnal Self’s desires, whispering and ordering “Just this time consume drugs, it won’t matter.” However, the traveler learns to tame and control this impulse. This principle draws inspiration from the practice of fasting during Ramadan. If, for example, one smells the tempting aroma of kebab, and the Carnal Self suggests breaking the fast prematurely, the individual resists, postponing the act of eating until iftar, the meal that breaks the fast.
In the DST method, the individual also learns to overcome and control their Self, taking their medication at the times set by the guide. This practice enhances self-confidence, enabling them to take control of their life—something they previously lacked. When the traveler reduces their Opium Tincture consumption from 4.5 cc to 3 cc, they approach a stage of greater self-control and alignment with their goals, stepping onto the straight path. This process greatly boosts their self-confidence.
This aligns with Mr. Dezhakam’s view on fasting, where he states: “Fasting is not merely an act of worship; it is a means of purification and a path to a better life.” Similarly, Mr. Amin emphasizes the importance of fasting, saying: “The Creator, who fashioned human beings, knows better than anyone what is beneficial and what is harmful for them. These guidelines are carefully crafted prescriptions for human well-being, health, and happiness.”

Reported by: Companion Maryam, News Correspondent of Shohadaye Shahrdari Park, Isfahan
Author: Companion Mahtab (Legion 24, Salman Farsi Branch)
Edited and submitted by: Companion Elaheh (Newcomers’ Guide and Website Editor from Molla Sadra Branch)
Sports Group of Companions, Congress 60



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