Breast cancer is the most prevalent cancer in women and
breast cancer metastasis is one of the main mortal causes of
women worldwide. Opium has been used as a pain killer for
cancer patients. The present short report is the early results
of the study aimed to evaluate the gene expression profiling
of the rat models of breast cancer under a new taper-up-off
treatment method with opium tincture.
The present study included Wistar rat models of breast
cancer distributed to four groups of taper-up-off treatment
with different dosages of opium tincture, a group of breast
cancer models with no treatment, a sham group, and a noncancer normal control. Mammary tissues were collected,
and after the RNA extraction, whole-genome expression
profiling was performed, and results were confirmed by
Real-time PCR. Pathway analysis was conducted on expression results.
Gene expression profiling showed hundreds of genes that
were involved in tumorigenesis, immune system, cell proliferation, and most significantly metastasis pathways (including OPG/RANK/RANKL, Transforming growth factor-β, Wnt,
and JAK-STAT signaling pathways) were up-regulated in
breast cancer models and down-regulated after treatment
with opium tincture, suggesting potential metastasis inhibition effect of taper up-off treatment method of opium in
breast cancer cells.
Early findings of the present study determined several
pathway alterations, especially a potential metastasis inhibition effect of opium consumption. Results may shed light
on possible opportunities for the development of new treatments for breast
cancer metastasis.