D-sap is Constructive Medicine for the body
This article deals with the following items:
1- Definition of D-Sap
2- Components and Benefits of D.Sap
3- How to use D-Sap
What is a disease? Have you ever thought that every disease indicates a deficiency of some substances in the body? Humans are created from soil, or the visible aspects of humans are from soil, while the hidden aspects are from fire. All minerals found in the soil also exist in the human body. Thus, all our illnesses indicate a lack or deficiency of essential minerals or inattention to proper nutrition. The body continuously rebuilds and repairs itself, so minerals and salts must continuously reach the body directly or indirectly so that the reconstruction process can be carried out properly. For example, the blood changes completely after 20 to 21 days, and our bones replace themselves with new ones in about 11 months. Some substances [required by the body] are produced by nature and some by the human body; for instance, serotonin and endorphins are produced by the X-System [the X-system as defined by Mr. Dezhakam is a set of biochemical elements including neurotransmitters and hormones which controls all our body functions]. The body receives salts and provides them to the X-system. When the X-System is deprived of necessary minerals and salts, the body will have difficulty producing these compounds. If salts and minerals do not reach the X-System and these hormones are not produced, the diseases such as psychosis, psychosomatics, and addiction arise. Mr. Dezhakam asserts that the first-grade and quality apples are exported, the second-grade apples are sent to markets, and the third quality ones are used to produce juice. D-Sap, derived from apple extract, was created by Mr. Dezhakam as a remedy for travelers' constipation caused by drinking Opium Tincture (OT), OT is derived from pure opium [and causes constipation]. He said they tried all the ways [to cure constipation] but did not get the answer until he produced D-Sap Constipation, known as the mother of all diseases in medicine, allows toxins to accumulate within the body instead of being excreted, causing lethargy, toxin circulation, and resulting in various diseases. Through D-Sap, Mr. Dezhakam successfully treated travelers' constipation issues. Further benefits of D-Sap, which will be described in the following articles, have been reported by people who have used this substance. This extract is recognized as a life-giving extract and Mr. Dezhakam says: while OT repairs the X-System, D-Sap restores the body physiological system.
1) Definition of D.Sap:The letter stands for Dezhakam, and means extract. Mr. Dezhakam explains that the quality apples are bought. He uses the best-quality apples for D.Sap production. The process of producing apple cider vinegar is forty days everywhere, but the production of D-Sap in Congress 60, takes 11 months or approximately a year. ; D-S is not vinegar, that is why Mr. Dezhakam named it D-Sap.
2) Components and Benefits of D.Sap:D-Sap ingredients are similar to the ingredients of the body digestive system, it contains many salts and vitamins. One of the main ingredients in apple cider vinegar is potassium. Potassium helps skin adhere to muscles; its deficiency causes the skin to become loose, with its deficiency, pain is felt in the muscles and bones of the person and causes a feeling of heaviness in the body and makes it difficult to move. Dry hair, its colorlessness and lethargy, and in some cases, the oiliness of the scalp is due to potassium deficiency. Also, a person feels tired with minimal activity, memory decreases and causes irritability, nervousness and depression, sometimes its deficiency causes adrenal insufficiency, cellular diseases, blood pressure, irritable bowel syndrome, Alzheimer disease, MS and diabetes.The deficiency of other minerals also causes reactions in the body such as phosphorus and iron deficiency. To strengthen bones, we must eat calcium; however,phosphorus must be available to the body to absorb calcium, vitamin D is necessary to absorb phosphorus, which sunlight can provide it. Without vitamin D, even with sufficient calcium and phosphorus, osteoporosis can develop. One of the important reasons that led to the production of this product was the chronic constipation of people at Congress 60 due to drinking OT syrup. Additionally, D-sap is effective for weight loss, as it removes arterial fat and prevents heart attacks and brain strokes. It is also useful for mouth ulcers in individuals who have quitted smoking, as the nicotine in cigarette smoke kills oral bacteria, and when a person does not smoke, blisters appear that can be treated with D.Sap.
3) How to use D-sap
Take two caps or (10cc) of D-Sap with a glass of lukewarm water, on an empty stomach in the morning and at night before bedtime. In special circumstances, it can also be consumed with honey or grape juice. Travelers should take it half an hour (30 minutes) before OT consumption, while others should consume it half an hour (30 minutes) before breakfast. For those who have stomach upset, the amount is less, about a teaspoon, in half a cup of lukewarm water. People who have skin fungus can dilute it and put their feet in it, which will kill the skin fungus, or those who have an infection can pour it into a basin of lukewarm water and sit in it, in this case it will eliminate all infections. Drinking D-Sap directly is harmful. How rare are great people who work for the comfort of their fellow human beings without any expectations and do not ask for any reward from anyone but their God. Mr. Dezhakam, is an example of a prominent and noble person who, by discovering the DST method and producing D-Sap, was able to provide great help to people trapped in addiction directly and help other people indirectly. So His efforts deserve appreciation, and we pray for his health and long life.
Written by: Hamsafar Leila Q, Legion of Hamsafar Fahimeh (Third Legion)