In the name of Allah
Interviewer: hello, Mr. Ehsan Pourpashang. Mr. Ehsan Pourpashang holds a master’s degree in Psychology and works in the field of addiction. I request you to explain your activities in the field of addiction, what motivated you to choose this major and why you chose this discipline and why you decided to switch from engineering to fields related to addiction treatment.
Mr. Ehsan Pourpashang: Hello friends, I am Ehsan, a traveler. Thank you so much, dear friends, for your efforts toward the great goal of Congress 60, which is none other than saving human beings trapped in addiction and other illnesses from pain and suffering. Regarding the discussion you mentioned, I was a drug abuser myself, consuming substances like amphetamines, hashish, and various psychiatric medications. I initially started using them while seeking treatment for my addiction issues and became further entangled. Fortunately, I became acquainted with Congress 60, where I found a logical solution. I received free help, and I was able to say goodbye to feelings of depression, sorrow, and anxiety.
In Congress 60, based on the correct path presented to me and the teachings of Mr. Dezhakam and Congress 60, which emphasize not being indifferent to others, I developed a sense of responsibility. This motivated me to gradually distance myself from engineering and pursue psychology So that, God willing, we can act as a catalyst in advancing the scientific goals of Congress 60, as per Mr. Engineer's vision. We aim to accelerate the dissemination of Congress 60's knowledge, which is a genuine science based on scientifically substantiated evidence from definitively cured human cases, [the results of these achievements have been published]. We hope to contribute to this field and help expedite the scientific objectives of Congress 60.
Interviewer: Could you please tell us a bit about this conference, the Addiction Science Conference, which is being held for the first time in Isfahan?
Mr. Ehsan Pourpashang: When I was selected as a representative of Congress 60 at this conference, if I were to respond from the perspective of someone who has been cured through Congress 60, I felt that I am getting closer to my true place. I feel happier when I see that Congress 60 has provided me with enough, comprehensive, and practical knowledge, enabling me to have something meaningful to say in the presence of experts in this field. This gives me a sense of self-esteem and joy, knowing that the place I find myself in is one where I have been taught true and accurate concepts. When I speak with individuals who have academically studied this field, I approach them with the academic perspective of Congress 60. This creates a magnetic attraction for them, and I have received this feeling as a member of Congress 60. When I attended this conference, although I had previously been present at events held at Milad Tower where Mr. Dezhakam had given several lectures, and I had experienced that feeling, now I view Congress 60, Mr. Dezhakam, and his profound thoughts with a deeper perspective.
Interviewer: I wish you success in all your endeavors.
Addiction Science Conference, Isfahan, January 2025.
Translated by Sepideh, Sheikhbahaee branch of Congress 60, Isfahan, Iran