نسخه فارسی
نسخه فارسی

Gradual Weight loss Using the DST method, in Congress 60

Gradual Weight loss Using the DST method, in Congress 60

Hello friends, I am Danial, a traveler. With 20 kilograms of excess weight, I joined my dear guide, Mr. Reza's weight loss legion in Academy branch of Congress 60, Tehran, on 1 October, 2023. I traveled for 10 months and 12 days, and now, having reached my ideal weight, I reached my ideal weight for 14 days ago, under Mr. Dezhakam's instructions. [As the 12th valley’s title reads], in the end, the first task gets executed, which is the foundation and criterion of the whole Existence. I am always grateful to God for guiding me in this life cycle, leading me to Congress 60 and Mr. Dezhakam.

I am eternally thankful to Mr. Dezhakam, who transformed the bitterness of impurity and the darkness in my body, psyche, and worldview into clarity and light through the knowledge and miracle that lie in himself and his DST method. I have been in Congress 60 for 2 years and 2 months. Initially, I joined out of curiosity and due to the insistence of a friend, with no hope for treatment or reason to stay. But, hidden behind the scenes, there were many secrets that made me stay, and a positive connection was formed among thousands of destructive bonds that I had created between myself and anti-values over the years of ruin and darkness. I began my journey of curing addiction and, two months later, I joined the William legion [to treat my nicotine] according to Mr. Dezhakam’s and my guide’s instructions.

Midway through my first journey, after having quit smoking, the taste buds got better, and I started noticing flavors more acutely, which led to an insatiable appetite. My job as a chef only added to that, and I kept gaining weight day by day. Due to old beliefs, I considered excess weight and being chubby a sign of good health and a confirmation that I was free from substance use. By the time, I was liberated from addiction by Mr. Dezhakam’s order after 10 months and 7 days, my weight had increased from 73 kilograms to 100 kilograms. Although I had conquered the monster of addiction, a far darker and larger shadow loomed over my life—excess weight. This beast, like a mountain, weighed heavily on every part of my being, and I could feel the crushing strain on my skeletal structure. As Mr. Dezhakam mentions, everything has a visible and hidden aspect, and excess weight is no exception.

In the visible aspect, I experienced excessive sweating, shortness of breath, dark circles under my eyes, an unbalanced and awkward body shape, constant back pain, and persistent pain in my legs and knees. In the hidden aspect, it led to fatty liver, thick blood, high liver enzymes, stomach swelling, overeating, and a craving for sweets and fatty foods. A friend introduced me to Mr. Reza and Jones’ Legion [for weight loss], and after quitting nicotine, I started the Jones journey.
In Congress 60, I learned to have faith in Mr. Dezhakam and his words. If I had not seen and experienced the miracle of his method in relation to substances and cigarettes, I would never have believed that a day would come when I could live without consuming half a liter or more of soda, over half a kilogram of various sweets, and fast foods full of preservatives, additives, and saturated fats.

Throughout the Jones’ journey, just like my two previous journeys, I followed my guide’s instructions meticulously. Step by step, I lost weight, and at the same time, my energy, agility, and vitality increased dramatically. This was clearly visible and brought joy and excitement to my entire being. It fueled my motivation and strengthened the rays of hope within me to continue. These reasons provided the energy and a reasonable desire to achieve a healthy weight, happiness, and freedom.

Through this journey and the experience I gained, I learned that to reach a healthy weight, understanding body language and applying two triangles is essential. The first triangle, which Mr. Dezhakam introduced, includes: proper food, the right amount, and appropriate timing. The second triangle, as instructed by my guide, includes: night sleep, Dsap, and exercise. In conclusion, I am deeply thankful to Mr. Dezhakam and sincerely grateful to my guide, Mr. Reza, for their patient and kind guidance.


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