September 9, 2024
Dear Hossein,
Rita and I are doing well and enjoying the first hints of fall weather here in Southwest Florida. As the temperatures drop a few degrees, we are able to enjoy our walks around our small marina community.
Thank you for your most recent communication and for the photos shared with me from the summer camp. The photos were of great interest as they captured both the beauty of the setting and the vibrancy of the camp experience. I am in awe of the amount of effort that planning and preparing the camp must have required for that many members of Congress 60. This reminded me of my younger camping experiences and made me wish that I could have been there with you for this experience.
Thanks also for responding to my questions; I have incorporated the information you provided into the draft of our research report.
Ehsan also shared with me some of the translated questions from the Guide examination. I found the questions to be quite rigorous and a good test of the knowledge of aspiring Guides.
I am delighted that you have chosen Ehsan to collaborate with our research project and will communicated through him on what we will need as this research continues. Much of what we need is included in the sample of 10,172 Congress 60 members (March 2023-March 2024). If there are other periods for which data elements are available that were not included in that sample, we could use those also as long as it is clear which sample that information came from.
I will look forward to the translation of the book Guide and Guiding in Congress 60, which will help us describe this role in more detail.
Writing up the literature search results and updated profile on Congress 60 is going well. I think a good way to proceed is for me to send you excerpts from this write up for you to review and approve or revise as needed for accuracy. The challenge as always in this kind of writing is to create a very tight and accurate summary that will be of great interest to the reader. Attached is a first excerpt for your review that synthesizes Congress 60s treatment philosophy and methods. Do let me know any changes you would recommend. I drew this from my memories of our earlier communications and from your writings and hope it is a faithful portrayal. I hope this review process will not be too much of a burden for you, but I want to make sure I have every detail correct in this latest profile of Congress 60. So much has happened in terms of growth and development since the last profile we published.
Drs. Casey and Mouton are working on filling in the tables for the American sample and we will be in touch with other information requests that we may have from Congress 60.
Friends and Brothers Forever