نسخه فارسی
نسخه فارسی

An Understanding of the Cd of Weight Loss

An Understanding of the Cd of Weight Loss

In the name of Allah

The best way to lose weight in Congress 60
The topic of weight loss is more related to the health of our body and our knowledge of food, and it is not only for those who are overweight. This is a general article and it was called weight loss by accident
Amino acids make protein, and protein makes up 20% of our body structure. If our body doesn’t get enough protein, it causes many problems. Amino acids are the basis and pillar of our body (health), and lack of them can cause all kinds of diseases.
Calories are the fuel of our body, if we don't do anything and just sleep, the body still consumes calories. Sitting, walking, going up and down the stairs, driving, doing housework, cooking, exercising, dancing, walking slowly and quickly, doing all these things causes the body to consume energy and calories.
It is important to know that our body stores carbohydrates and fats for future energy use, but it doesn’t store amino acids and proteins, so we should consume them daily and add them in our (everyday) diet.
Some diets are unhealthy because our body takes the protein it needs from the muscles of the face and other muscle mass. So it causes sagging facial skin, skin thinning of face and neck and sunken eyes.a
The body needs 35 grams of protein per day and it should be consumed. Protein sources are divided into three main groups:
1) Vegetables such as beans, nuts, etc.
2) Meat such as beef, lamb, chicken, etc.
3) Dairy products such as milk, yogurt, cheese, etc.
So we should be careful in consuming protein to have a good and enough intake of it daily.
Water is also very important in losing weight and it causes weight loss, because when we drink water, the body has to use energy to bring the water temperature back to the body temperature, which is usually 37 °C. So be sure to drink 4 glasses of water a day at different intervals. In the end, we should look at our food and see what we eat, what we should eat and how we should eat , as mentioned in a verse of Holy Quran. In this way, we are no longer unconscious and we know that by eating the right food at the right time and with the right amount, we can be immune from many diseases that exist today.

Translated by companion Sepideh, Sheikhbahaei Branch of Congress 60


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