<p> <p dir="ltr" style="text-align: justify;"> May 23, 2023&nbsp;</p> <p dir="ltr" style="text-align: justify;"> Dear Hossein,&nbsp;</p> <p dir="ltr" style="text-align: justify;"> Thank you for your latest communication. I am delighted to hear of Amin&rsquo;s pursuit of a doctoral degree. My son-in-law Stewart has also pursued studies in physics and now teaches physics and astronomy at a college in Illinois. Alisha flew back home yesterday after a wonderful week&rsquo;s visit. Among other things we attended a play and visited a sculpture garden during her visit here, but mostly we just spend time together as a family enjoying each other. The blessings of recovery continue even at this late stage of my life.&nbsp; I received communication yesterday from the person who now manages my website that she has received the PDF of The Little Book of Addiction Recovery and will post it in the coming days. I will send you the link as soon as I receive word that it is posted. I agree with you that the timing of its release is ideal given the recent publication of the articles on the DST method. I look forward to your updates on the publication of the book in Farsi.&nbsp; I think this latest book will be most valuable to people seeking recovery and to individuals and families in recovery from addiction, but I think it will also invite many scholars to explore the more technical articles that we have published on Congress 60 and its philosophy and methods. I am continuing to think about how best to announce the release of the book to my colleagues here in the U.S. and to our colleagues in other countries. We can discuss this more after the book is posted.&nbsp; I have promoted the idea through my writings that recovery is contagious and that we need systems that help people in recovery spread the seeds of recovery to those still suffering from addiction. Through your use of Guides and Co-Guides, you have created such a system that is fully exemplified in the shawl ceremony videos that you shared with me. The ceremonies themselves offer visual proof od the power of community in addiction recovery.&nbsp; One of my goals here in the U.S. is to shift addiction treatment from a process of assess, treat, discharge and terminate the service relationship to one of continuing support across the stages of personal and family recovery. This shift would include providing regular recovery checkups and access to ongoing recovery support services for those who could benefit from them after formal completion of primary treatment. Efforts to encourage that change have spanned two decades and I am delighted that the American Society of Addiction Medicine in now embracing such continued support as a new level of care in addiction treatment. As this illustrates, some changes can be affected quickly while others take years to reach fulfillment. This success was facilitated be research studies we conducted at Chestnut that provided the evidence that recovery outcomes improved with the provision of such ongoing support. The research you are doing on the DST method will be similarly important in show the power of integrating time-limited medication support and psych-spiritual support in the treatment of addiction.&nbsp; I also wanted to let you know that my recovery from recent heart procedures is going quite well. I feel renewed energy having that behind me and knowing that my risk of future strokes has been significantly reduced. I am delighted to hear that you are feeling well also. I appreciated your best wishes getting through these recent months of medical procedures.&nbsp; Please extend my warmest regards to your family and to all members of Congress 60.&nbsp;</p> <p dir="ltr" style="text-align: justify;"> Friends and Brothers Forever</p></p>