Like all other Congress 60 branches, Baba-Taher (Hamedan) Branch of Congress 60 participated in the ceremony of planting trees in Arbour week. Congress 60 members fully know that in their addiction era, they have hurt the environment, and now that they are healthily liberated from addiction, it is time to compensate for the destruction they have made. Because of Coronavirus pandemic, the ceremony of Arbour Day was held with Covid-19 sanitary protocol. Unlike other countries and systems, fortunately, Congress 60 experienced no death toll during the outbreak of Coronavirus pandemic, due to their healthy body, regular exercise and sport, and using the miracle medicine of D-Sap (a special type of vinegar made by Mr. Hossein Dezhakam, the Base of Congress 60). Thanks to Mr. Dezhakam’s intelligent strategies, all the workshops of Congress 60 were held in both face to face and virtual (in person) modes and the result was incredible. More than 5000 individuals got liberated from addiction during the era of Covid-19.