The Eleventh Valley
Part one
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
With strength drawn from the Absolute Power of Allah, we begin this session.
Hello, friends. I am Hossein, the session’s guardian. I kindly ask that we observe a 14-second silence to seek refuge in the Almighty, freeing ourselves from our most powerful enemy—our own ignorance and unawareness. (Silence)
Thank you, friends.
So, what was last week’s agenda? The Tenth Valley, which we’ve now completed—another valley concluded.
Now, today’s agenda is the Eleventh Valley. (Take notes, everyone.)
Has the secretary not arrived? Is she absent, or has her term ended?
(Response: She is absent.)
Who is the secretary? What happened? Did she inform you about her absence?
Alright, no problem.
The Eleventh Valley states: "All the roaring rivers and gushing springs will ultimately reach the sea and ocean." I will read the Eleventh Valley from the text and provide you with a brief explanation.
As I have said many times, the valleys are practical guidelines that show us the path of life. They teach us how to think, how to reason, and how to live. People struggle with various challenges, and the difficulties they face are often of their own making. Because they lack awareness and understanding, they create problems for themselves in different ways and forms.
Before we get started the discussion on the Eleventh Valley, let’s talk about one of the common issues that lead to crises and problems in people’s lives—speech. Many people openly share their thoughts, personal matters, or private issues with others, often without realizing the potential consequences. Everyone has their own personal concerns, weaknesses, or sensitive matters, and revealing them to others can sometimes lead to serious trouble.
In the past, people would hand out their photos to others, only to later realize that a single picture could cause a disaster. Just one photograph could lead to unexpected and serious complications. Sometimes, people write letters, and those letters can create crises and conflicts. In today’s world, people send text messages instead, but those messages, too, can be used against them.
Before sending a letter or a message, one must consider: If this letter were to end up in a judge’s hands, would I be able to defend myself? If it were made public, would I regret it? If the answer is no, then it’s better not to send it at all.
Another major issue is misplaced trust. Time and again, we’ve seen people blindly trust others in legal matters—signing over property, transferring ownership, or entering into agreements without proper caution—only to face serious consequences later. These situations can create countless problems.
Another issue is that certain things become trends in societies and then fade away. Take tattoos, for example—what women today call "tattoo" was once known as "khal-koobi" (traditional tattooing). In the past, tattoos had a distinct cultural significance. They were a mark of heroism, primarily embraced by athletes and pahlevans, especially those who trained in traditional sports houses (Zurkhaneh). Among them, having a tattoo was considered an honor.
Getting a tattoo back then was an arduous and painful process, and not everyone could endure it. At one point, tattoos were associated with champions. Later, however, they became linked to those who were considered uncultured or from the lower social classes. Today, the perception has changed again—if someone has a tattoo, they might face job rejections. In many workplaces and organizations, tattoos can be a reason for dismissal.
Now, in some societies, people with tattoos feel the need to hide them. If they don’t, others might assume there’s something wrong with them. Don’t be fooled by these passing trends.
Recently, there has been a trend of piercing body parts. People are now piercing their noses. In the past, people only pierced their ears, wearing two earrings, which was quite nice. But now, you see people piercing their eyebrows, lips, and cheeks. These trends last for two or three years, and then they fade away. Sometimes, they can cause infections. When you pierce your nose, it might get infected or lead to health problems. Or if you pierce your eyebrow and put a ring through it, it can cause illness and infections, and eventually, it becomes outdated.
I follow trends too, but I choose the kind of trends where if they fall out of fashion, it’s no big deal. For example, if a shirt is in fashion, you wear it, and if it goes out of style tomorrow, it’s not a problem. But if a tattoo becomes a trend—let's say someone tattoos their forehead—today, it might be in style, and you go ahead and do it. But two years later, what will happen when it’s no longer fashionable? You’ll have to remove it with acid, and then there's nothing you can do about it.
Therefore, these small and subtle details in various aspects of life can cause problems and crises for us. We should try to consider whether what we’re doing will endure. Will it remain timeless? If we make ourselves imperfect today, will it be used against us tomorrow? So, this is an important and necessary point, and we must pay attention to it from every angle to avoid making mistakes. The actions we take today might lead to regret and disappointment tomorrow.
The valleys come and teach these matters piece by piece. They address these issues step by step and guide us on our path. Here, the valley begins in this way: "Then, at the time when the lights were pregnant with darkness." The lights, meaning light, were pregnant with what? Darkness. It wanted to bring darkness from within itself. Usually, this is how things happen; most systems are not harmed from the outside, or if they are, it happens very rarely and minimally. Even governments, even countries, even thoughts and ideologies, get into trouble from within. The world of creation is the same. Darkness comes from within the lights. So, we see everything is light. From within the lights, one point turns into darkness, turns into blackness; and that point, bit by bit, spreads, until it takes over the entire surface of the light. When the entire surface becomes darkness, once again, from within the darkness, a point of darkness transforms into light, and again, it starts to spread and eventually, the entire system becomes light. These two are changing together. Neither of them will ever disappear. That is to say, we cannot say that at some point, all the lights will disappear and everything will become absolute darkness. Such a thing will never happen. Absolute evil will also never exist. Or we cannot say that one day all evil will disappear, and everything will become absolute good. We will never reach that point either. They exist within each other, and they increase or decrease.
In this situation, where the lights were still pregnant with darkness, Satan disobeyed the divine command, and it was as if a dark, black spot was born from the lights. Whose command did he defy? It does not specify, but it is the command of God, which you are familiar with. It is as though the dark point emerged from the heart of the lights. There, at the time when darkness was pregnant, Satan defied the command, and from within the lights, a point of darkness came into being. Well, Satan was once part of the loyal forces, the good forces, but when he defied the command, he turned into a negative force. This means that from within the lights, negativity is born. Satan was once a devoted force. It is as though the dark point emerged from the heart of the lights, and it began its slow and creeping movement, aiming to assault the world of light, to spread darkness, and to prove its superiority over humanity, in the face of the Almighty's power.
Now, when darkness is born from the heart of the lights, it begins its movement quietly and slowly. This means that the movement of darkness and the negative force is not quick, decisive, or obvious. It is like a tiger, like a lion, like a wolf, like an eagle – when it moves, it attacks swiftly, relentlessly. But the movement of darkness is slow and creeping, like a worm that moves quietly. Or, imagine a very slow-moving reptile. So, here it is pointed out that the movement of the negative force is slow and creeping. It does not have a fast, swift, or decisive motion. It moves very gradually in whichever direction it desires.
Why did it start now? To assault the world of light. The lights refer to the virtues, the values, while the darkness refers to the anti-values. It slowly began marching towards the bright universe in order to expand darkness and obscurity and prove its domination over humans to the Supreme Power. Why does it seek to prove its superiority? This is taken from our own book, where it is said, "I am superior to man; I was created from fire, while he was created from clay." You know the story yourself. It did this in order to prove this.
Another point raised in this story is that: The fallen angel gathered its disciples in the placeless. This shows that Satan is not alone; Satan is not the sole entity attempting to mislead the entire world. He is a commander with companions, friends, and forces. Satan gathered his companions and forces in the placeless. When it says "placeless," it refers to a place that exists, while "beyond" means not a place, or without space. Why is it without space? From our perspective, this means that this action didn’t occur on Earth; it took place in the heavens, in the unseen realms, not in the visible world like our physical universe. When he gathered his forces, he said, the human being has been given an attribute that we lack '. He says that a characteristic has been given to man, which has not been given to us. and in order for us to prove our supremacy and competence over him, we must deviate him from his ascendant journey using inspiration and infusion. because the trait given to man has not been given to us.
He says: In order for us to prove our supremacy, we must divert him from his path. We must lead man away from the path of values. How? Through inspiration and infusion. Inspiration and infusion mean that we can only inspire or infuse man. Inspiration can be described as a whisper in our minds, which we figuratively say feels like it's speaking in our ear. Something comes into our minds, and we wonder, "What is this?" That's inspiration. Infusion, on the other hand, is the effect of two things on each other; like in the phrase,
"A fragrant flower in the bath one day
Reached my hands from the beloved's hand."
The clay sat next to the flower, and what is this? It's infusion. The flower imparts its fragrance to the clay.
Well, certain things are mentioned in divine scripture, stating that some angels prostrate while others fall. The allegory here is that each inhabitant of the heavens has a specific duty; each has their own designated role. But this being—man—has been given free will. The others have not; they have fixed and predetermined duties.
And in order to prove our supremacy, we must divert man from his ascending path through inspiration and infusion. We can only lead him toward anti-values through inspiration and infusion—in other words, by inviting him. We are not permitted to take any further action because man’s free will has been honored. This is a crucial and highly significant matter.
Man’s free will has been honored, meaning that no one can force him in the divine system: "There is no compulsion in religion." (Quran: 2) Even in faith, it says that there is no coercion. Man is a being with free will, but of course, he is accountable. Free will does not mean that one simply has the power to choose; it also means that one must answer for their choices.
Therefore, the negative force and the force of negative infusion cannot physically intervene. They can only infuse thoughts. The celestial hands merely infuse thoughts—the rest is up to us. So, we cannot place the blame for our sins on others. If today we are struggling with a problem or facing a crisis, it is because we have woven this fabric ourselves. It is our responsibility, and no one else’s.
The moment something goes wrong, we start blaming this person or that—even negative forces, even Satan, merely invite; they do not compel. They invite you to commit wrongdoing, but they do not force you to do so. If someone uses drugs, no one holds a gun to their head demanding that they take them. They are simply offered—perhaps even with insistence.
In some cities you visit, especially in smaller towns, people tend to be very hospitable and insistent with their offers. But in Tehran, it’s the complete opposite—people hardly extend formalities at all. Even when they’re eating bread, they keep their heads down and eat quickly, making sure no one notices.
Now, when you visit smaller towns and are a guest in someone's home, the dynamic is different. I’m being serious here—Tehranis, when a guest is about to leave, especially if they came over for an evening visit, wait until they’re standing at the door, shoes on, ready to step out, and then suddenly say, ‘Oh, please stay for dinner!’ They didn’t offer anything while the guest was comfortably seated, but now, at the very last moment, they extend the invitation.
This is just how it is. In smaller towns, though, they keep offering food—‘Please, have some more, eat this, try that. Have some yogurt, some salad, some dessert. This dish is delicious, really, you should try it.’ They insist a lot, but they don’t force.
The negative force works in the same way—it doesn’t compel, it merely extends invitations and infuses thoughts. It influences through infusion
In other words, we can only extend an invitation—we are not permitted to take any other action, because human free will is to be respected. But rest assured, many humans will join our ranks.
For mankind is a creature of dual nature—both good and evil. They are greedy, harmful, ungrateful, and they conceal their own Creator—except for a small few, those who do righteous deeds and encourage others to patience and kindness.
Satan declares, ‘Go ahead with your propaganda; rest assured, many humans will join us. For this is their nature—most of them are ungrateful beings.’
I once told you a story. Some time ago, Imam Ja'far al-Sadiq was praying when a snake catcher was hunting and killing snakes. One of the snakes managed to escape and slithered toward the Imam, who was deep in prayer. As the snake moved about, the Imam gestured for it to take refuge in his sleeve. The snake obeyed, slipping into his sleeve just as the snake catcher passed by and continued on his way.
When the prayer ended, the Imam told the snake, ‘You can come out now.’ The snake emerged and immediately asked, ‘Now, which part of your body should I bite?’
The Imam, surprised, replied, ‘What are you saying? I saved your life, and now you want to bite me?’
The snake insisted, ‘No, tell me—where should I bite you?’
The Imam asked, ‘Why on earth would you do that?’
The snake answered, ‘Because among humans, the reward for kindness is betrayal. When you do good for them, most of the time, they repay you with harm.’
The Imam was puzzled. ‘How can that be?’
The snake said, ‘Let’s go and seek testimony.’
So they set off together and came to a flowing stream. The snake asked the water, ‘Tell us, is it true that the reward for kindness is betrayal?’
The water replied, ‘Yes, it is true.’
The snake asked, ‘Why?’
The water explained, ‘Because when a traveler comes to me on a scorching summer day, drenched in sweat and parched with thirst, he washes his face and body in my cool, flowing waters. Then, after refreshing himself, he spits into me and walks away.’
The snake then said, ‘Come, let’s ask the tree next.’
They continued walking until they reached a tree. The snake asked the tree, ‘Tell us, is it true that the reward for kindness is betrayal?’
The tree answered, ‘Yes, it is true.’
The snake asked, ‘Why?’
The tree replied, ‘Because people come and sit under my shade to rest, enjoying my shelter from the sun. They pick my fruit and eat it. But then, they take an axe and cut off my branches.’
The snake turned to the Imam and said, ‘You see? It is just as I told you. Now, where do you want me to bite you?’
The Imam calmly responded, ‘Bite my index finger.’
The snake bit his finger. But just as it was about to leave, the Imam placed his bloodied hand on the snake’s head. As the snake slithered away, a red line appeared, running from its head to the tip of its tail.
This snake became known as the "Ja'fari Snake." In the old days, snake charmers would tell this tale. The Ja’fari Snake is a small species, about half a meter to seventy centimeters long, with a distinct red stripe running from its head to its tail. It’s name is ‘Ja’fari’.
Sometimes, this is the fate of certain people—you help them, pull them out of misery, hardship, or a crisis, and yet, they turn against you. They forget themselves, and in some cases, they may even become your enemy. But why? Because human beings are creatures of dual nature, capable of both good and evil. They are inherently greedy.
These words come straight from our holy book: "Indeed, mankind was created anxious." (إِنَّ الْإِنسَانَ خُلِقَ هَلُوعًا) (Quran 70: 19)"When good touches him, he withholds it, and when hardship befalls him, he panics." (وَإِذَا مَسَّهُ الْخَيْرُ مَنُوعًا وَإِذَا مَسَّهُ الشَّرُّ جَزُوعًا)(Quran, 70:20)
Humans are greedy creatures. When fortune smiles upon them, when they achieve success or gain power, they become arrogant, boastful, and domineering. They start acting superior, flaunting their strength, and speaking with authority as if they are invincible. But the moment they face adversity, when hardship touches them, they crumble. They fall from their high status, become desperate, plead for mercy, and sink into helplessness.
Imagine you're in a car accident—someone crashes into your car. You step out, furious, ready to lash out: "I'll make you pay for this! I'll ruin you!" But then the traffic officer arrives, assesses the situation, and determines that the other driver is at fault. The moment he's declared guilty, his tone changes completely: "Sir, please forgive me. I swear I have nothing to eat. I have four children. My rent is overdue." He starts begging, pleading for mercy.
This is human nature: "Indeed, mankind was created anxious." (إِنَّ الْإِنسَانَ خُلِقَ هَلُوعًا) (Quran: 70:19) Humans are impulsive and impatient. "Indeed, mankind is in loss." (إِنَّ الْإِنسَانَ لَفِي خُسْرٍ) (Quran: 103:2) They are at a loss, constantly losing. "Indeed, mankind is ungrateful to his Lord." (إِنَّ الْإِنسَانَ لِرَبِّهِ لَكَنُودٌ) (Quran: 100:6) They are ungrateful beings. "Indeed, mankind denies the truth." (إِنَّ الْإِنسَانَ لَكفُورٌ) (Quran: 43:15) They hide the truth and conceal what they know deep inside.
A "kāfir" (denier) isn't just someone who doesn't know God; rather, it's someone who knows the truth but chooses to conceal it. A person who truly doesn't know is not a denier. But someone who recognizes the truth and deliberately hides it—that is a true denier. So, mankind conceals the divine truth.
Except for a few... "Indeed, mankind is in loss, except for those who have faith and do righteous deeds and encourage one another to truth and patience." (إِلَّا ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُوا۟ وَعَمِلُوا۟ ٱلصَّٰلِحَٰتِ وَتَوَاصَوْا۟ بِٱلْحَقِّ وَتَوَاصَوْا۟ بِٱلصَّبْرِ) (Quran: 103:3) Except for those rare individuals who perform good deeds and encourage others toward patience and kindness.
These traits are found in all people—except for those few who truly believe, act with righteousness, and guide others toward patience, compassion, and peace. "They encourage one another to patience and to mercy." (وَتَوَاصَوْا۟ بِٱلصَّبْرِ وَتَوَاصَوْا۟ بِٱلْمَرْحَمَةِ) Righteous deeds are acts of peace—actions that foster harmony. And those who perform them invite others to do the same.
As I said last time, let’s not sit around reciting, "I am a bird from the celestial garden, not of this earthly realm; / For a few days, they have built a cage for my body." That’s not about us—it’s about the poet. We aren’t even donkeys of the celestial garden, let alone birds of it! Do you see what I mean? Those lines are meant for "except for those who have faith, do righteous deeds, and encourage one another to truth." (إِلَّا ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُوا۟ وَعَمِلُوا۟ ٱلصَّٰلِحَٰتِ وَتَوَاصَوْا۟ بِٱلْحَقِّ) (Quran: 103:3) That’s for them, not for us.
Sometimes we like to say, "Oh, we were such and such, but now we’ve come to this earthly world." No, my friend—that’s just poetry. That’s for a select group of people. Maybe one day we’ll reach that level, but right now, we are not there.
Since the domain of the material world and the earthly or physical body has been granted to humans, the most crucial topic is matter and materialism. The material world refers to the physical world—dense, solid, and tangible. The body, too, is physical, a material body made of matter. Materialism refers to anything made of matter. Paper money, dollars, gold, jewelry, houses, cars—these are all material things. This is why they say: a camel is a symbol of materialism.
Since the domain of the material world and the physical body has been granted to humans, the most crucial topic remains matter and materialism. Keep in mind that a warning has also been given to humans: If you control materialism, you have defeated half of the power of the Satan. But if materialism controls you, know that it will absolutely defeat you.
The emphasis I've always placed on you is that you should strengthen and solidify your material foundation as much as possible. I even said that saving is for the poor; a wealthy person doesn’t need material things. Therefore, matter is one of the most important and significant issues. In life, we should do things in such a way that we are in control of materialism, not the other way around. Because if materialism controls someone, they might do anything to gain wealth. Of course, some people have the necessary capacity, while others don’t. For money, some people might sacrifice truth, justice, knowledge, or even sell their dignity—just for money. This is where materialism takes control over them. But there are people who, even in poverty, are not controlled by materialism.
Having money doesn’t necessarily mean you’re in control of materialism. No. A person might have millions or billions of dollars or even a hundred million tomans, but materialism might still dominate them. A person might own a thousand or two thousand gold coins, but still be ruled by materialism. On the other hand, someone might have just one piece of bread, yet not be controlled by materialism. They might have little money or meager income, but materialism doesn’t dominate them. This is about the quality of their situation, not the quantity.
So, if materialism takes control over someone and dominates them, they might be willing to do anything for material gain. If materialism truly controls you—if you’re deceived by materialism and are willing to do anything for it—know that the Satan has completely defeated you.
Dismounting from a horse is just as important as mounting it. This means that as difficult as it is to find money, sometimes getting rid of it is just as hard. For some people, it’s even harder. They say that as hard as it is to get involved in something, getting out of it is just as difficult. Every action you take, if it’s of negative value, you can’t just easily quit it. You become friends with someone. You want to break off that friendship. It’s not that easy to end a friendship. You get married, you mount the horse, and now you want to dismount; you want a divorce, to separate—it’s not that easy. You partner up with someone, then you want to break off the partnership, it’s not that easy to part ways. You get addicted to drugs, and later, you want to quit—it’s not that simple. You become a gambler, and then you want to quit gambling; it’s not easy. So, every action you consider is not as simple as saying, 'I’ll do it, and then it’s done, and I can quit easily.' It’s not in your hands. You join a party, a group, and you work hard to get in, then you want to leave. It’s not that easy to walk away. In a mafia group, they won’t let you in easily. You’ll have to go through a lot to get in, but if you want to leave, it’s not that simple.
The Satan continued: Human beings are living and learning with laws that have been declared by the Absolute Power. Laws that were sent to us through the prophets and are announced to us. The destruction of these laws is impossible. We cannot eliminate these laws. However, distorting and corrupting them is possible. Balance is the law, but extremism is our will. He says: The laws declared by the Absolute Power cannot be destroyed, but they can be corrupted. He says: What we want, what God wants, is the law, is balance. Balance is the law. In my belief, extremism is not the law. How is it corrupted? During the era of the Inquisition in the time of the churches, people were brought forward and accused of being witches or supporters of the Satan, of whatever they were, and they were burned at the stake. In the name of whom? In the name of Jesus Christ. In the name of God. In the name of the Absolute Power. That’s how corruption works. The assault began. Extremism in any matter is not the will of positive forces, it is not the will of God. The law is balance, and balance is the law.
The assault by the Satan and his followers began. The marketplace of lies, hatred, enmity, betrayal, jealousy, fear, and anxiety spread. When Adam and Eve were placed on earth, the first event that occurred was that Abel and Cain, this brother killed that brother. This began right from the start of the story. There was hatred, enmity, jealousy—everything existed in Cain and Abel. Eating, sleeping, reproduction, pleasure-seeking, wealth accumulation, and the conquest of various lands; the rule of war and bloodshed by humankind escalated. Eating, sleeping, reproduction, seeking pleasure, gathering wealth, and conquering different lands. Genghis Khan would invade and take over, killing and slaughtering. Timur the Lame would invade from this side, killing and slaughtering. Nazi Germany would invade from that side. I don't know, Mussolini from that side, Napoleon from that side, the King of Austria from that side, Agha Mohammad Khan Qajar attacking Kerman from that side, gouging out eyes, and I don't know where each of them came from. Look at the Iran-Russia war from that side, in Afghanistan, the same thing. Where did Nader Shah Afshar go from here? He would get up and go to India, there, wars and such. The conquest of lands, wealth, rule, and war and bloodshed by humankind escalated.
It was as if the gates of divine inspirations from the heavens were shut due to humanity’s disobedience and the growing influence of demonic forces. It seemed that the heavens had completely closed, and benevolent inspirations had ceased entirely, while human defiance increased. The infiltration of evil forces grew immensely, and power in the material world fell under the command of destructive forces. The forces of destruction took control of the material world’s power—just look at World War II, where twenty million people were killed.
To steer human beings toward their own way of thinking, they provided various means of fleeting pleasure and entertainment. They sought to supply humankind with all sorts of transient indulgences. Some people, like the hippies, completely rejected work and responsibility, saying they wanted nothing to do with the system. They wished to live like animals, seeking only pleasure, and they set off in search of their utopia, heading to places like Nepal, indulging in hashish, grass, and LSD. Many of them died from starvation on the roads or fell victim to all kinds of exploitation. Their sole pursuit was pleasure, fun, and music, living in filth and squalor. Some of them didn’t bathe for six months—an absolute disgrace, sheer absurdity.
Under such conditions, divine inspirations of goodness and virtue were scarcely sent. As the verse states, “And He inspired it [the soul] with [both] its wickedness and its righteousness” (Quran 91:8), but the inspirations of goodness were limited, and all beings—especially humans—suffered immensely. Mankind was always in pain and anguish, plagued by countless afflictions such as the Black Death, cholera, typhoid, wars, and massacres. Corpses from war and bloodshed led to the spread of various diseases. Only those with financial means or great intellect could survive. If someone had wealth or exceptional wisdom, they had a chance to endure hardships like famine and starvation. But without knowledge, awareness, or financial resources, their downfall was inevitable.
The struggle was always about acquiring, not about preserving. People hardly exerted effort to maintain what they had gained. This is one of humanity’s great misfortunes: they fight and struggle to obtain something but make little effort to keep it.
You worked hard, you fought, you waged wars, and you finally earned this money—great. But then, you just leave it sitting in a bank. For what purpose? At the very least, use it. Maintain it. Benefit from it.
People strive to acquire things—a house, for example. They go through hardships to buy a home. But once they own it, they fail to appreciate its value. The same goes for jobs. You fight to win over a spouse, but then, after some time, that husband or wife you once longed for seems worthless to you. You just wanted to marry them, but now you do nothing to maintain the relationship.
The battle was always about obtaining, but little effort was spent on preservation. It was as if the forces of darkness had rebelled within the realm of the Almighty. It was as if demons had risen in revolt against God—just like in The Lord of the Rings, where the dark forces stage an uprising, or The Matrix, where rebellion against order takes place.
In this state of turmoil, Satan pointed his finger toward the most dangerous and lethal matter and released his poisoned arrow—the arrow of the Seven-Colored Sorcery.
As chaos escalated and conditions deteriorated to the worst possible state, this event unfolded: Satan aimed at the most perilous and fatal target and unleashed his venomous arrow, which belonged to the Seven-Colored Sorcery.
But what exactly is the Seven-Colored Sorcery? It was nothing other than Khamr. And Khamr means veil, cover, or concealment. If you look at Arabic dictionaries, the definition of Khamr is "a veil, a cover"—something that clouds the intellect, reason, and identity of a person.
Khamr includes substances such as opium, hashish, coca leaves, alcohol and all types of intoxicating beverages, hallucinogenic plants and mushrooms, as well as toxic and destructive thoughts. Ultimately, it also encompasses the harmful substances that will one day be synthesized by humans under the guise of medicinal cures.
Here, the Seven-Colored Sorcery is broken down into its seven forms, which were not previously listed. Now, they are revealed: One was opium and its derivatives, including heroin. Another was hashish, along with its variants such as grass, mers, chars, and others. Then, there were coca leaves, alcohol and various intoxicating beverages, hallucinogenic plants and mushrooms, such as LSD and similar substances, toxic and destructive thoughts and ideologies, even corrupt and harmful thoughts fall under the category of Khamr.
Khamr is not just about drinking alcohol and becoming intoxicated, nor is it only about using drugs that create a veil over the mind. Some toxic and negative thoughts are far more destructive than any harmful substance.
During World War II, Nazi soldiers were ordinary troops engaged in combat. But then there were the SS forces—those who had been brainwashed. They were the Nazi special forces, indoctrinated with toxic and negative ideologies.
This means that brainwashing itself can be a form of Khamr, as it fills the mind with corrupt ideas—ideas that trample over honor, humanity, and all that is good. It convinces people that material wealth is all that matters, persuades them to lie under oath for money, or leads them into other destructive behaviors. So, toxic thoughts and ideologies are also a part of Khamr.
And then, ultimately, there are the harmful substances that, in the future, will be synthesized by humans under the guise of medicinal cures. Some of these have already emerged—LSD, methamphetamine, crystal meth. These were all originally pharmaceutical drugs. Amphetamines were developed as medicine. Ecstasy pills were created by the medical and pharmaceutical industries. Ice, crystal, and other similar substances, like Ritalin, also fall into this category.
In certain cases, these substances may serve a beneficial purpose. But in the wrong circumstances, they become as dangerous as cocaine. This is where toxic thought patterns come into play—such as the notion that if a child is overly active, climbing the walls, the school principal or kindergarten staff will insist on taking them to a psychiatrist. Often, this is done simply for their own convenience.
In the old days, in Tehran, it became a trend—if someone was too tough, a troublemaker, a thug stirring up fights in cafés or wreaking havoc in the neighborhood, they would turn him into a heroin addict. He’d become a lifeless wreck, dozing off in a corner, completely subdued. The once-feared brute, the brawler, would be reduced to nothing. They either got him hooked on heroin or opium, and that was the end of it.
Now, we’re doing the same thing to children—small kids. And the culprits? Some teachers and schools. A child gets a little too restless in class, and immediately, they say, "Take him to the doctor—he’s hyperactive." The doctor hands over a few Ritalin pills, and just like that, the child is subdued.
When we were kids, when we were students, we had our own kind of mischief. We’d put thumbtacks or needles on the teacher’s chair—he’d sit down and get a nasty surprise. Or those three-pronged tacks people used for shoe soles? We’d place one of those on the teacher’s chair, and the poor guy would sit down and get it stuck in his leg. Sometimes, we’d drop a snake, a scorpion, or even a frog into his desk drawer—just for the fun of it.
None of us were hyperactive. No one ever said we were hyperactive or had a problem—no one told us to go to a psychiatrist. And yet, all of us grew up just fine and became good people, thank God. (Laughter) I’m saying this for humor. But now, if a child gets a little too restless, they say, "He’s hyperactive—take him to the doctor." You’ll see, they give him a few Ritalin pills, and suddenly, the child lies down and stays in one corner, unable to move. On the other hand, if the child becomes withdrawn, moody, and doesn’t speak, they also say he’s sick. Again, "Take him to the doctor, he’s hyperactive." Now, children have turned into little pill-popping machines. And some of these pills don’t even end. The child starts at six years old, and if he’s lucky to live long enough, he keeps taking them until he’s sixty. Eventually, it ends in electric shock therapy or worse. Medical pills are good, but only when used in the right place and at the right time—not for everything immediately.
So, the next issue is the so-called healing medicines that are being used outside of standard guidelines. Of course, it should be noted that pills can be highly beneficial in certain cases—I am not against medication or healing drugs. The problem arises when they are used beyond their intended standards. Sometimes, in specific conditions, at certain stages, and for a limited period, people absolutely need these medications. But not in a destructive way.
Thus, this so-called healing medicine was introduced. At this moment, among all these substances, the demon singled out a beautiful yet wild flower—the poppy. It was one of the most beneficial, healing, and vital medicinal plants. He declared: "If this plant is in the hands of a skilled healer, it brings life, healing, and vitality. But if it falls into the hands of ordinary people, it becomes a poison—sweet and seemingly pleasant."
He then ordered that this, along with other intoxicants, be gifted to men and women, the old and the young, the strong and the healthy—under the guise of joy and a shortcut to their desires. They were to be lured into using them so that the bravest warriors, the deepest thinkers, and the most beautiful souls would turn into the most wretched, cowardly, and miserable beings.
The Satan’s command was carried out. Over thousands of years, various forms of intoxicants spread, dragging countless men, women, and elders into the depths of darkness.
I believe the meaning here is quite clear—it’s evident what the story is conveying. Well, that was just the first part. In this situation, the Satan smiled and said… The meaning of this paragraph is entirely clear.
Execute the second phase of intoxicants," Satan commanded.
Suddenly, among the knowledgeable scholars, one so-called expert—out of sheer ignorance—declared, "I have extracted a substance from opium that can be used to treat opium addiction!" And the other fools believed him. Thus, heroin was born—an invention far more destructive than opium or any other form of addiction.
Once again, Satan smiled and said, "Now, the third phase." Because heroin was created to treat addiction and other ailments, it soon became one of humanity's greatest afflictions.
Satan smiled again and said, "Now, the third phase." Then, the so-called wise but truly ignorant scholars flooded societies with all sorts of pills and synthetic drugs—crystal meth, methamphetamine, and other amphetamines—substances hundreds of times more destructive than opium and heroin. And this time, there was no longer a need for farmland, because these could be produced quickly and easily, in any home.
The third phase introduced various pills, synthetic drugs, and crystal meth—something everyone is now familiar with. And this is far from over. There is no longer a need for agricultural land; now, these substances are manufactured right in kitchens and apartments.
Now, my dear, if we take this as an undeniable reality—if we say that all of this is true—still, the ultimate truth lies elsewhere, with a different meaning and a greater purpose. For God is wise and all-powerful, and He orchestrates everything with His own wisdom. He has deemed the presence of destructive forces and wicked, satanic individuals as a necessary counterpart in existence, so that humanity may reach a certain level of understanding. Through reason and intellect, man must come to recognize what is right and what is wrong, and develop the ability to act upon what is righteous.
Therefore, to escape the darkness and this hell, we have no choice but to grasp the Divine Rope. And the essence of this Divine Rope is to honor and implement His commandments and laws—laws so fundamentally sound that they are accepted by all, from the most primitive to the most civilized, from the most faithless to the most devout. For they are entirely just and rooted in reason.
Now, at this point, one might immediately say—and indeed, it has been said for thousands of years and will continue to be said—that when we speak of the Absolute Power, of God, and of the matter of the Satan, the first question that arises is this: 'Well, Satan defied God's command. Couldn’t God have stopped him? Was He unable to prevent him?' The argument follows—'If He had stopped him, then the problem would have been solved, and there would be no issue at all. Why not simply deny him the opportunity?'
But here’s the reality, regardless of what we may think: the ultimate truth lies elsewhere. And that truth is that God has deemed these negative, satanic forces necessary for existence itself. He has willed their presence as a means of contributing to the evolution of existence.
Similarly, among us, there are individuals who are corrupt, troubled, or in dire conditions. These individuals, like those negative forces, ultimately serve as catalysts for our progress. They push us to seek solutions, to find remedies, to think critically, and to act wisely. We learn from them; we take lessons from them. As the saying goes, 'From the ill-mannered, I learned manners.'
Thus, these negative forces exist, have always existed, and will continue to exist. They are found everywhere, in every society, in the most advanced nations, in the most important countries, in the so-called Third World, in every corner of the earth. From the most civilized nations to the most primitive tribes, these forces are always present. There is no place where they do not exist because God has deemed their existence essential for the universe.
And so, if we wish to escape this hell, we have no choice but to honor God's laws and hold firmly to His Divine Rope.
What is God's Rope? Is it a literal rope hanging somewhere that we are told to hold onto? No, it is God's laws—His divine principles. And what do these laws truly say? So many prophets have come—what were their laws? What was their message? What did they want to convey?
Was it that God sent, for example, Jesus Christ just to tell us that Christ is important? That Jesus should be revered above all else? Some have emphasized this to such an extent that Christians now say, 'Jesus is the Son of God,' or even 'Jesus is God Himself.' Eventually, it reaches the point where they say, 'Jesus Christ is the Father of God,' or 'God is the Father of Jesus Christ.' (Laughter.)
But God did not send Jesus Christ simply to declare His importance—though, of course, he is important. That was not the purpose. God sent him to bring forth laws. It was the laws that mattered.
Yes, Jesus himself is significant—absolutely, no doubt—but the real importance lies in the laws he brought.
Laws must be upheld. And what do these laws say? They are the same laws that Abraham spoke of, that Moses spoke of, that Jesus spoke of, that Noah spoke of, that the Messenger of God spoke of. They all said the same thing: 'Do not lie.' 'Woe to those who deny the truth.' Abraham said, 'Do not lie.' Moses said, 'Do not lie.' Jesus said, 'Do not lie.' The Messenger of God said, 'Do not lie.' The Imams said, 'Do not lie.' They all said the same thing: 'Do not lie.'
Do not steal. Do not be arrogant. Do not engage in usury. Do not think ill of others. Do not take bribes. Do not be fault-finders. Do not shortchange.
Take iron, for example. If you buy five kilos of rice or five kilos of meat, you can ask the grocer to weigh it. But when you buy seventy tons of iron, how do you weigh that? They give you seventy tons, but it isn’t really seventy—it’s five tons short, three tons short, two tons short, or even one ton short. Or take concrete. Suppose it should be twenty tons, but you find it’s only seventeen or eighteen tons. Or cement. Or sand. Or gravel. This is all a form of shortchanging.
Humanity is still plagued by dishonesty. Even when milking a cow, they mix water into the milk. ‘When you poured the milk from the goat into the jug, you mixed it with water. (As the Persian poet Dehlavi said)
Do not be sour-faced, do not be grumpy. Some people seem like they’re demanding their inheritance, as if they want to take their legacy from us. I don’t know, furrowed brows, a frown—it’s as if their own state is ruined, but our state isn’t ruined. So, you shouldn’t be grumpy. Do not corrupt, do not be corrupt. Do not use drugs. Do not break promises. Do not betray. Be a seeker of justice. Betrayal isn’t just between spouses, where they cheat on each other. When people hear 'betrayal,' they only think of this. A friend says something to you, and you pass it on to someone else—that is also betrayal. Even a small, trivial thing can be considered betrayal. Be a seeker of justice. Do not wrong the truth. Be kind, help those who are in need, help those who are helpless. Think, reason. Now, if anyone, in any religion or sect, performs all the outward rituals and acts of worship of their faith but does not respect and implement the laws mentioned here, they are the most godless and followers of Satan. They are people who only perform the outward acts.
Some people want to deceive others. For example, when they want to perform ablution, they roll up their sleeves on the street and walk for three kilometers in flip-flops so that all the shops and people in the neighborhood see them performing the ablution. This person is not religious. They’ve just put on a mask, a cover, a façade to do this act. Now, if we come to our own religion and find someone who prays all their prayers, fasts during Ramadan, performs Hajj, participates in all the religious ceremonies, but lies, steals, is self-centered, consumes usury, makes bad assumptions, takes bribes, gossips, shortchange, is grumpy, corrupts, uses drugs, and betrays, then this person is not a true Muslim. They are followers of Satan. Therefore, the laws, when followed by people, create the conditions for them to live in the best possible way. If they don’t follow these laws, they will be followers of Satan. Therefore, the laws, when followed by people, create the conditions for them to live in the best possible way.
Thank you very much. I appreciate it.
To be continued ....
Translated by: Companion Marjan