نسخه فارسی
نسخه فارسی

Mr. Amin Dezhakam's Speech at Hesamzade Branch of Congress 60

Mr. Amin Dezhakam's Speech at Hesamzade Branch of Congress 60

Hello friends, I am Amin, a traveler. I hope you are all doing well. I am happy to have the opportunity to be among the Legion of Sardar Members [Sardar members are those Congress 60 members who donate 100 dollars a year to promote Congress 60’s aims and objectives, the collected money will be used for Medical research and buying buildings for Congress 60]. Each member of the Congress 60 has their own color and feeling.
This morning, we saw Alireza [Rarkesh, the Sardar’s Dideban of Congress 60] in the women's travelers' section. Usually, we wouldn't see him more than once a day, so it was a pleasant to see him again.
When I think about money, I notice that you talk more about money [because of Sardar legion’s duty to collect money]. One of the things that comes to my mind is: What is the purpose of the money that comes into my hands? Who benefits from it? Whose problem can it solve? A part of money is for one's own needs and personal use. But a portion of it is for others.
If a person answers this question correctly, they will realize that while one million tomans might not mean much to them, it could have a significant impact on someone else. And those people might be around you, present in your life.
Sometimes, a person should give, and sometimes they should not. One must recognize this and, by following their sensation, understand who they should help. People do not cross our paths without reason.
I am currently doing [Ph.D.] at a university, and given the country's situation, many students in other countries receive financial support, but unfortunately, that is not the case here. This is quite embarrassing. A PhD student is not 18 or 19 years old; they are usually between 30 and 25 years old and may be married. They are not in a position where their families should be supporting them financially. Instead, they are often in a situation where they need to support their families.
They are married themselves. Well, in such situations, one can play a positive role if their senses are open and aware. Sometimes, even a small amount of money can make a huge difference.
Imagine a 31- or 32-year-old young person who wants to get married. A sum of 50 million, 30 million, or 60 million tomans could completely transform their life. Or someone wants to start farming, plant saplings, but they don’t have the money to buy saplings. For them, 50 million tomans could mean 500 saplings, 200 saplings—it could allow them to plant and create an orchard for themselves.
It’s all about paying attention to those around us. You might go to a hotel, have a meal, spend three to five million tomans on a meal at a hotel, especially now that it’s the holiday season [Nowruz] and many people are traveling. You go to a restaurant—what difference does it make if you leave a 200-thousand-toman tip?
Nowadays, tipping has gone out of fashion. It’s almost obsolete. Sometimes when you tip, people look at you in surprise, as if something unusual has happened. That’s because people no longer carry cash in their pockets; they use cards, and they don’t help others—not beggars, not service workers, no one.
This is the same idea of being mindful of our surroundings. Pay attention to your environment. If you spend 20 million tomans on food and residence, what happens if you tip 100,000 tomans?
Give a 200-thousand-toman tip. If you have leftover food that hasn’t been touched, put it in a container and give it to those who are homeless, to people at intersections who have nothing to eat. We need to pay attention to these things.
If someone has been given the ability, they should keep a portion for themselves but make sure the surplus reaches the right people—those who truly need it. This is something important that we must learn.
Congress 60 has helped each of us tremendously. If it weren’t for Congress 60, I wouldn’t have made it to forty. That’s why I try to contribute financially to Congress 60 as much as possible. But at the same time, we shouldn’t be indifferent to those outside of it. We all have brothers, sisters, nieces, and loved ones who might be struggling for just a little money. Whether it's an uncle or a cousin, we should give them some money and do something.
I have three uncles, but there’s one I love the most. When I was a child, he always had candy and gum in his pocket. Whenever he saw us, he would give us chocolates and sweets. Sometimes, he would bring movies, and we’d sit together and watch them. These little things had a big impact.
The other two uncles? Nothing. They were completely clueless and senseless. They never planted anything [they have never planted seeds of goodness], so they never harvested anything. But the uncle who gave to us, who planted those seeds of kindness, I feel a connection with him. With the other two, I feel nothing. I don’t even miss them.
This is what it comes down to: planting seeds. If you have something valuable, you must plant it. If you have financial means and your loved ones are struggling, you must share the money you have. Congress 60 has given us so much, but beyond Congress 60, we all have family, friends, and connections. You don’t need to give a fortune—just 100 tomans to someone truly in need can lift their spirits.
This culture of generosity has disappeared from our society. It has faded. We must revive it.
There are certain cultural values that I think ultimately come back to us. It all stems from the same idea of human connection, of living alongside others. When you pay attention to your surroundings, when you observe, you begin to feel—you develop a sense of awareness toward those around you.
When you go to the airport or any other place, if your senses are opened up and alert, you will act at the right moment. That same act of kindness, like giving 100 tomans to someone struggling, has an obvious, external side—but what’s more important is its hidden side. The hidden aspect is much stronger than the visible one. The person receiving it feels seen; they realize that someone acknowledges their existence. That feeling of being seen, of being cared for, the kindness he received holds far more power than the money itself.
I’ve experienced this myself. Mr. Dezhakam used to give money to homeless people and addicts at intersections, saying, “They are in withdrawal—let them use it.” In other words, a part of our giving should be done with awareness, knowing when and how to act.
Now, with Ramadan approaching, this month holds great significance for Congress 60 because the DST method was discovered during Ramadan. The fact that it emerged from this period highlights the power of Ramadan itself. It is no coincidence that Mr. Dezhakam discovered the DST method during Ramadan. It shows that the philosophy behind this month is directly tied to revitalizing the human X-system—the system responsible for balance and well-being.
When God created humans, He also gave them repair manuals. Humans were given two kinds of systems: wired and wireless. The wired system refers to physical substances—food, drink, and material needs. The wireless system includes thoughts, emotions, and the unseen aspects of life. Ramadan primarily works on the wired system, meaning it influences what we consume—our food, drinks, and other material intakes—while also having deeper applications beyond just nutrition.
The X-system in humans is designed to be restored and repaired [in Ramadan]. The prescription given to us is clear: Do this, and if your system's efficiency has declined over the year, the practice of fasting will bring it back to its original state. At the same time, it expels darkness from within a person.
Darkness resides where it finds comfort. Just like lazy and opportunistic people—they won’t show up for a simple meal of bread and cheese or eggs, or Ab Doogh Khiar [a refreshing, cold yogurt soup with cucumbers, herbs, raisins and walnuts] but if they find a feast of kebabs or pizza at your house, they’ll stick around until midnight.
Negative forces behave the same way. They stay where it’s comfortable and beneficial. But when the body experiences hunger, when there is no food or water, it becomes an unsuitable place for them to reside. So, they leave. However, when they do, they try to destroy everything out of spite—just like tenants who strip a house bare when they move out, they take everything including faucets.  Even when a stingy and poor landlord sells their house, they strip the house bare.
That’s why fasting can be difficult—it’s like negative forces breaking free, taking everything they can on their way out. You feel the pain, you experience hardship, because they are resisting their eviction.
This is an incredible prescription that, when done to the best of one’s ability, sets a person free from many negative bonds. The wireless version of this system is prayer, which also affects human Khamr (the body's natural internal intoxicants) and is highly effective.
I’ve spoken a lot now. Thank you for listening to my words.

Translated by Elahe


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