The 12th session of the 83rd round of Congress 60 workshops in the Academy branch of Congress 60 was administered on January 8th, 2025 at 10 a.m. by Mr. Hossein Dezhakam as the Guardian and Ms. Fariba as the secretary. The agenda was “My help to Congress 60 and Congress's Contributions to me”.
Mr. Dezhakam’s speech: dear secretary please tell us the exact number of liberations during the previous Gregorian year (2024). 10124 individuals were liberated from addiction in last year, well last year, we broke the record of ten thousand liberations as well—let’s give a round of applause. Thank you, thank you. Thanks, thanks, much appreciated.
This is a remarkable record, as we had always been under ten thousand. After twenty-five years, we managed to surpass the ten thousand liberations—of course, this is for the Gregorian calendar year, and the solar year will surely be about the same. Achieving this milestone, reaching ten thousand recoveries, is no small feat. Even helping one person achieve cure is incredibly challenging. In the book “Crossing Minus 60 Degrees”, it was mentioned there that a well-known man who was an expert in hypnosis, yoga, and similar practices. He had treated one heroin addict and would take this person everywhere as a success story, saying, “Look, I’ve treated this person.” But after five or six months, the individual went back to using heroin. This caused a confrontation between the hypnosis expert and his follower, with accusations like, “You’ve ruined my reputation; I introduced you to countless people, and now you’ve gone back to heroin.” The follower’s response was, “I was struggling and craving for heroin during this period”. So you see, even helping one person is a big deal.
This achievement wouldn’t have been possible without the collective effort and support of all of us working together. This is an extremely significant figure, and it’s a precise number that we announce weekly. All the recoveries are documented, fully supported by follow-ups, with all the necessary records. This isn’t something we simply claim—these results are fully recorded. It may have taken around 2,000 guides and over a year of effort across nearly 170–180 centers, along with over 200 sports centers, to achieve this outcome. Anyway, congratulations to everyone on this accomplishment.
Sometimes, we do things without realizing their full significance. This is a very interesting point.
We had a meeting on Monday with the Didebans (Watchers) of Congress 60 on Monday, January 6th, at 2 PM, in Simorgh building, chaired by Mr. Dezhakam and Mr. Ali Khodami was the secretary . During this meeting, we reviewed several topics. From now on, in the training sessions for elected agents of the representatives, the agents will also receive necessary training regarding the “Congress 60’s Protocol”. Whether agents are men or women, they must be fully familiar with the protocol’s rules. They will also be tested on the protocol.
In the protocol, it was emphasized that under no circumstances should individuals’ last names or national ID numbers be entered into the portal. Since the portal is accessible to many people, only first names or Congress 60 card numbers may be used. No national ID numbers, last names, home addresses, or similar information should be recorded.
A new center in Ahvaz has been named the “Karun” and we have built it in northern Ahvaz. In Karaj, a new center has been named the “Eram” [which means paradise]. Additionally, based on a proposal from the Didebans of Public Relation and with the Didebans’ approval, Mr. Bahman Bayat was appointed as the assistant to the Dideban of Public Relations.

The attendees at the meeting included Ani Kamandar, Ali Ashkezari, Babak Lotfi, Mehdi Sanchouli, Ali Majdian, Reza Totabkhani, Mehdi Sedighi, Mohammad-Sadegh Sedaghat, Alireza Zarkesh, Asghar Mansouri, Ahmad Hakimi, and Ali Khodami. Thank you.
Today's agnda is "My help to Congress 60 and Congress 60's Contributions to me." Before getting into that, I want to highlight a few points. Once again a new virus has spread, some say it is COVID, while others attribute it to the flu or other illnesses under different names. Fortunately, we have D-sap [to prevent all these diseases]; however, hospitals are full of people, and the spread has been significant. You should all be grateful that you’re using D-Sap and sitting healthy and well without any issues. However, make sure to use a steam inhaling D-sap immediately after the meeting. Using steam once or twice a week for prevention is highly recommended.
In the tests we conducted for D-Sap—an article about it was published two months ago—it was found that the immune system of those consuming D-Sap significantly improves, making the body much more resistant to viruses and bacteria. Once again, D-Sap has proven highly effective for colds, flu, and other recently emerged illnesses. We strive to make it available to you and only provide it to Congress 60 members. Requests from outside Congress 60 are not entertained, and we haven’t given even a small amount to anyone outside.
Another point is about those who take legal authorization (power of attorney). If a guide cannot attend [the Academy branch of Congress 60 to get the liberation of their pupil], they must delegate this responsibility to another guide. Authorization papers are collected in their files. For men, these authorizations go to Mr. Torabkhani and are filed in the guide’s record. For women, the authorization s are filed in the relevant section with Mrs. Ani Kamandar and the companion guides section.
For instance, just some moments ago, one companion guide had come from Shiraz on be half of a few companion guides, all of whom had given their authorization to Ms. Narges instead of attending themselves. I told Ms. Narges that this should not become a habit. None of them showed up; they are handling everything over the phone. If this trend continues, we may need to either close their legions [so that they cannot take new pupils] or impose limitations to their service duration. Of course, urgent cases can happen once or twice, but it should not become a routine.
The previous week agenda was “The Women Travelers”, some of whom were invited to the companions’ meetings and they are also being invited in this week. The women travelers were invited to 10 branches of Congress 60 On Monday, spoke with family groups. Yesterday, similar sessions were held in Tehran, though I haven’t received the stats yet. The feedback has been extremely positive. In one branch, for example, I received a letter stating that at least twenty family members who were substance users identified themselves and expressed interest in joining the travelers’ group. This particular branch was large, so I won’t mention its name. However, no matter where you go, the situation is similar. It’s not surprising that in families where a spouse or father uses substances, other members of the family [like the women] might eventually follow suit to some extent [consume drugs and become addicted].
The results were excellent, with participants realizing that these centers are very safe spaces. For instance, male travelers don’t have access to these areas. There’s no interaction—each group handles their responsibilities independently. The guides, agents, and financial matters are all managed internally by the women group themselves. No one knows who comes and goes unless someone comes for recovery. Sometimes, men come with their spouses for recovery, and that’s when I realize their wives are cured in Congress 60. Otherwise, no one is aware.
Given these positive outcomes, we are planning to establish similar programs for female traveler in Karaj in the coming months. After Karaj, the next city will likely follow. The feedback has been very encouraging. However, due to the high number of branches—over 180 to 190—we couldn’t accommodate to send female travelers who were cured in Congress 60 to these branches. At least 80–90 branches had requested to have female travelers in their meetings, but we only managed only about 14–15 branches this week. Hopefully, in the coming weeks, we can manage to send more female travelers to other branches of Congress 60. If conditions are favorable and no issues arise, they can participate in the meetings of female companions.

Another point is about coming to Tehran. Once, in Congress 60, I granted Liberation (from Addiction) order to the guides, suddenly, I realized that recovery periods were being decreased—some guides gave the liberation order after three months, six months or even five months. For example, Mr. Torabkhani had given his pupil, Mr. Khodami’s liberation order only after six months [both of whom are the Didebans of Congress 60 now], saying, “That’s enough.” From that day, I decided that I must personally see all individuals seeking cure. They had to come to Tehran for me to meet them, [I issue their Liberation Order] so that everyone would follow a uniform procedure.
All the statistics and records come to Tehran, where Liberation Orders are issued, and the files are consolidated. For those coming from other cities to get liberated from addiction, it’s like a trip or a tour. People come from Esfahan and other cities, traveling together on buses. Along the way, they eat lunch, share meals, and treat it as an outing. They come here, get to know the central office, see the center, meet people from other cities, and experience different cultures. These are very positive aspects and bring many benefits. Moreover, everyone follows the same process: they arrive with their documents and submit them to the central office. Their journey to Tehran holds great value.
If you see carefully a priceless gem has been given to you. Even if you spent hundreds of millions of tomans anywhere on this earth, as far as I know, no one could cure your addiction in this way—we cure you so easily, so firmly, and with such resilience. There’s no need for the harsh methods like “cold turkey,” electric shocks, withdrawals, bone pain, or the other forms of suffering and pain [in bones] you know better than anyone else. Without all that pain and torture, you reach recovery and cure.
Once your addiction is cure, it’s over. You won’t experience cravings anymore. Guides here won’t tell you to avoid places where substances are available, not to get close to them, or to avoid certain areas. You don’t have to run away—from your home, your neighborhood, or your old friends. Instead, they tell you that you don’t need to change everything—you need to change YOURSELF.
When you change yourself, you won’t face problems anymore. Imagine if the entire city is full of magnetic fields, and you are made of iron, the magnets will pull you in everywhere. How long can you keep running from those magnetic fields? But if the very essence of your being changes—if your iron transforms into copper—you won’t be attracted anymore.
If your essence transforms into silver, the magnet will no longer affect you. A magnet attracts iron, just as substances and substance users attract each other. However, if your internal systems start functioning properly, nothing will have power over you. We’ve tested this, and the results will be published soon. Through biological studies, we’ve examined blood tests, brain scans, spinal fluid, brain tissue, and more. With the DST method, when you achieve recovery, everything gets reset and rebalanced.
In contrast, other methods often cause disturbances in a person’s physiological circuits, immune system, brain function, digestive system, and nervous system. Other methods of addiction recovery leave many problems everywhere.
However, in Congress 60, you are healed in a way for free—completely free, no one asks for money to help you liberated from addiction. You walk in, someone welcomes you, speaks with you kindly, and spends time with you. They greet you warmly, offer you a seat, and even serve you tea. Bit by bit, they guide you. You attend classes where no one asks for money and no registration is needed. The electricity, heating, cooling, and all the amenities are provided.
Later on [after being liberated from addiction], if you’re able to donate money, that’s great, but if you can’t, that’s okay too. It’s all voluntary. You’re treated this way [for free], and afterward, even your cigarette addiction is treated—also for free. Then, if you want to lose weight, you will easily lose 20, 30, or 40 kilos, just as a piece of cake—again, free of charge.
Compare Congress 60’s method to other methods where they cut open your stomach, remove parts of your intestine or stomach, or surgically remove or suction out fat. They often leave you with a host of complications and charge you exorbitant amounts of money.

I have provided all the methods and facilities for you but when you are asked to come to Tehran to receive your liberation from addiction order, you make excuses and say, “I have come all the way from Mashhad.” I say, “Even if you’ve come from Mars or walked here, it’s worth it.” What did you give [to Congress 60], and what did you receive in return? Now that you have to come here as a guide, you cannot make excuses and grant authority to someone else to represent you. Only for delivering a child or an urgent issue, one may not attend [otherwise, the guides have to be present for their pupils’ liberation of addiction].
Then, reflect on what you’ve given and what you’ve received. This agenda has been designed to help us analyze and understand what we’ve given and what we’ve received. The contributions I’ve made to Congress 60 and the support Congress 60 has provided me go hand in hand.
Whenever we face moments where the Satan creeps in to deceive us, we need to remember the countless resources and opportunities that Congress 60 has provided for us. We must contribute to the stability and strength of this system. Fortunately, the awareness and enlightenment in Congress 60 are extremely high. Congress 60 Members have become deeply conscious and proactive. Without this awareness, we couldn’t have achieved such extensive research, established a university, or constructed buildings. All of this is due to the collective contributions of our members, stemming from their enlightenment.
We’ve been granted a few extraordinary blessings, though we may not always appreciate them. Sometimes, we even complain. For instance, take the educational CDs—they are provided to you free of charge. All the branches of Congress 60, whether on Kish Island, Qeshm, or anywhere else, receive the same education. Congress 60 has unified everyone in knowledge, thought, spirituality, and humanity. It has cultivated individuals to care deeply about their friends, others’ griefs are important to them.
Congress 60 has created a culture where, when one person comes to celebrate their liberation from addiction—whether in Taleghani Park or here in Academy branch—sometimes 40 people accompany them. Imagine one person achieving freedom, and 40 companions joining them to celebrate. No matter whether they are men or women, when a companion wants to start her second journey, you see 10, 15, or even 40 companions coming early in the morning to support her. They cheer, whistle, and applaud. Both men and women demonstrate this solidarity and joy.
These are values we hold dear—values that Congress 60 has given us. Where else can you find something like this? Congress 60 has provided us with these unique opportunities.
It elevates our knowledge step by step. For instance, my own daughter, Anni is now pursuing a PhD in biochemistry. She regularly transcribes the CDs, as do all the Didebans of Congress 60 (C14).
Anni just told me since she had transcribed the educational CDs of Congress 60, now she is able to easily and quickly transcribe all the lectures by her professors in class in a short time. Naturally, when she comes home, they quickly transcribe everything so that all her classmates ask Mrs. Anni for the class notes, as her writing speed has become quite good. Her grades have greatly improved, and she is excelling in her studies. Transcribing the CDs benefits us in many ways—it is like meditation, and gives us knowledge on literature, knowledge, and contemplation. When you listen to music, your mind may wander to a thousand places, but when you’re required to transcribe educational CDs, you need to concentrate fully in order to capture everything. This exercise is incredibly valuable for us.
Another great benefit of Congress 60 is that D-sap was produced for us. What kind of help does D-sap offer? What actions does it take? How has it saved us from various diseases? During the time of the pandemic [CORONA], if D-sap had not existed, we would have been exploded like a bomb. Even now, it continues to protect us. For example, it helps heal our liver, fixes varicose veins, and resolves various health issues we might face. It compensates for the nutritional deficiencies we have, which is a great blessing given to us. These blessings, provided by God, are actually blessings given to us through Congress 60.

Now, what have we given back to Congress 60? Both spiritually and financially, in every way. We see people in Congress 60 who travel incredible distances—some members travel four thousand to five thousand kilometers every week. We have female members who travel three thousand to four thousand kilometers in a week, or six hundred to eight hundred kilometers. Sometimes they travel a thousand kilometers, to get to a branch, they arrive in the early morning, yet members from the local area, just thirty minutes away, arrive late. These are important points we should reflect on and appreciate, realizing the value of what we have. We need to accurately consider and evaluate what we’ve given and what we’ve received.
I have often said, and I continue to say, that I am the one who brought Congress 60 into existence. I am the creator of Congress; I wrote its rules, its methods, its books, and I conduct its research. Financially, just this year alone, I have contributed two billion tomans to Congress 60. There are other research projects where I have helped and continue to help, but despite all of this, when I reflect, I see that Congress 60 has given me much more. Because if Congress 60 did not exist, I would have been dead ten years ago. I’m not joking, I’m not being modest—those who were my age and with me, half of them died due to substance abuse. So, what I have today—this identity, this character—is what Congress 60 has given me. If Congress 60 did not exist, what would I have been? It's true, I had the chance, but without you, what would I have been worth? Knowledge can merely be called knowledge when it is useful and applicable.
Now let’s consider and compare what we have done to Congress 60 and what Congress 60 has given us. Some people can’t contribute financially, but they help in other ways. A guide helps, a border guard helps. The contributions from the Sardar Legion [those who donate 100 dollars], the smallest amount donated to Congress 60, far exceed the amounts donated by the Pahlavans [who donate 10000 dollars to Congress 60]. When we sum up the Pahlavans' contributions and compare them with the Sardar Legion, the total donated by the Sardar Legion is much higher. So let’s assess this balance and always remember to ask: What have we given to Congress 60, and what has Congress 60 given to us? Then you might say, "I helped fifty people reach recovery." That’s a huge honor. Even if just one person is helped, God asserts [in the holy Quran] that if you revive one person, it is as if you have revived all of humanity. If you harm one person, it’s as if you’ve harmed all of humanity (Surah al-Maidah, 32).
When you help someone get liberated from addiction, look at how valuable it is. Look at yourself, your family, and future generations. Changing someone's life is incredibly difficult—it’s more valuable than resurrecting the dead. The dead don’t cause harm, but to change someone's essence, to transform their being, that is the true challenge. This is why we have set this agenda, so everyone can reflect on where they were and where they are now, considering what they have given to Congress 60 and what Congress 60 has given them. When we compare these two, we will find our place in this system. And this comparison is not just for Congress 60, but can also play a role in all areas of our lives.
We need to look at the balance of giving and receiving in every aspect of our lives. What have I given to my spouse, and what has my spouse given to me? What have I given to my children, and what have they given to me? When children look at their parents, they should reflect on what their parents have given them. What have I given in return? Similarly, what have I given to my sister, and what has she given to me? What have I contributed to my brother, and what has he given me in return? If we evaluate all of these, we will see that life is a system of giving and receiving. Whether it's love, affection, or any other form of interaction, you give something and you receive something in return.
If we sit down and assess this, we can recognize what you have received. For instance, sometimes we may see that someone has done a hundred good things for us, but if they make one mistake, generally, we tend to overlook all the good things and focus only on the mistake. We may be quick to say, "This person did one wrong thing, so everything they've done is invalid." We have to evaluate the full picture, not just the bad moments. Look at what has been given to us and what we are receiving in return, and that’s very important in all aspects of life.
This comparison can extend beyond our personal relationships, too. For instance, I need to consider what I’ve given to my country, and what my country has given to me. What have I contributed to my village, and what has my village given to me? What did I contribute as a representative of the people? In any position or role we find ourselves, we should make this comparison. Only then can we truly assess our responsibilities and actions. There’s a powerful quote by John F. Kennedy that goes, "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country." We should also ask: What has my city given me, and what have I given to my city? What has my family given to me and what have I given to my family? But sometimes we want all the things to be unidirectionally beneficial for us and we do not want to consider other issues. This is something we should always reflect on.
In terms of knowledge, Congress 60 is reaching a very high level. Its articles are regularly published. For example, on January 5th, Sunday, one of our articles was published in American journals. It was an article about breast cancer, highlighting three samples that had recovered.
We had reported, and it is called a "case report." There were three cases, all women, who had recovered, and the article was published in journals under the name of Congress 60 and Kharazmi University. This is very valuable, and it holds great significance, especially in foreign universities. I've mentioned before that when a student's article gets published, they often celebrate with champagne, even though alcohol like whiskey is prohibited in American universities. But when an article gets published, they open champagne to celebrate the achievement. Here, even a bottle of Pepsi isn’t opened for us! Nevertheless, this article is extremely valuable, and I hope that the system will be set up so that we can quickly start a clinical trial with human samples. Many people approach me, and it saddens me that I cannot help them. I am deeply affected, particularly in the case of breast cancer, as I genuinely believe that D-sap could be very effective. One of the main causes of cancer is inflammation, and D-sap can reduce that inflammation, even potentially leading to the destruction of cancer over time. If someone uses it for about six or seven months, they could see great results.

So, for those dealing with this issue, I strongly recommend using D-sap. They should use it once, twice, or even three times a day, depending on the method. In the first 21 days, they should take it once a day, about five to ten milliliters. In the second 21 days, they should take it in the morning and night, about five to ten milliliters each time. By the third 21-day period, they should take it three times a day, with the same dosage, spaced about seven or eight hours apart, just like in the DST method. Afterward, they should continue using it at least six days a week. It doesn't have to be every day, but they should aim for six days a week, which can help not only with breast cancer but with many other diseases as well. It contains lactobacilli, which are beneficial for health and strengthen the immune system.
This is why the article we published on June 5th was so valuable on a global scale. It was about breast cancer. I also gave two lectures in a conference in the U.S. and Seoul, which were about cancer. The text of the speeches and the article were posted on the website. Currently, we have about three or four more articles that, God willing, will be published soon. However, there were some challenges in Iran related to article publications, especially concerning the issue of some fraudulent practices in Iranian research. But fortunately, we have passed through this difficulty, and it has been proven that there is nothing wrong with the selection of our articles. We hope to continue our research successfully, with the help of each other, and carry out further studies effectively. Thank you so much for listening to my words. I truly appreciate it.
Translated by Elahe