نسخه فارسی
نسخه فارسی

Wednesday's Workshop: D.Sap

Wednesday's Workshop: D.Sap

The first session of the 83rd  round of  Congress 60 workshops in the Academy branch of Congress 60 was administered on October  18th, 2024 at 10:30 a.m. by Mr. Hossein  Dezhakam as the guest speaker and Ms. Nahid as the secretary. The agenda was “D.sap [Dezhakam’s Apple-Based Sap]
"Hello friends, I'm Hossein, a traveler. I hope you're all doing well; thankfully, I'm also doing well. Today is the 25th of Mehr, 1403 (Iranian calendar), and 25 days of autumn have passed. The time is 21 minutes to 11 o'clock. Well, we've had a lot of liberations and have been consistently granting liberations since early morning. Afterward, Amin came to help me. Amin should also be ready downstairs, as the agenda is a D.SAP and Amin needs to talk about D.SAP today. So, I'll ask him to sit downstairs in the hall until I call him."

"The seventh session of the Watchmen in the year 1403 (Iranian calendar) was held on Monday, the 23rd of Mehr, at 2:00 PM on the first floor of the Simorgh building, with Mr. Dezhakam serving as the guardian and Ali Khodami as the secretary. The matters that were approved among the Watchmen—of course, with the participation of three assistants from the Family Group, are as follows:

1.  From now on, the establishment of new branches will be as follows: First and foremost, a location for the educational workshop must be designated. From the very beginning, the workshop will be held with a minimum of two or three guides, both from the Family Group and the Travelers Group. Previously, when a location was being established, the first step was to set up a legion, often in parks or similar places. But from now on, the sessions will be held indoors from the start, under a roof, and there must be at least two or three guides for travelers and one or two guides for companions."

2.  When mentioning the names of Congress 60 branches, the branch name must always be accompanied by the name of the city. For example, ‘Bonyan Mashhad’ or ‘Zagros Boein Miandasht.’ For instance, when we say ‘Asbiku, some people don’t know where Asbiku is. The locals in Khorramabad may know, but others don’t. Therefore, the city’s name should follow the branch name, like ‘Ganjali Khan Kerman.’

3.  Mr. Mehdi Sedighi has been appointed as the Watchman for Newcomer Guides. From now on, Mr. Mehdi Sedighi will serve as the Watchman for Newcomer Guides.

4. From now on, when designing Congress 60 buildings, two separate halls must be considered: one for male travelers and one for female companions. Wherever you plan to build a facility for Congress 60, it must have two halls.

5. The legions of Boroujerd, Aligudarz, Damghan, Azadshahr, and Ardabil have been approved by Congress 60 and the Watchmen to be introduced as official branches. These have now been officially designated as branches.

Mr. Dezhakam explained about keeping birthday celebration sessions short. From now on, people can attend half an hour earlier. The person celebrating their birthday, along with their family and friends, can come up, but the speaking time should be about 10 minutes, no longer than 12 minutes, with a maximum of 15 minutes.

From now on, Congress 60’s sessions will start at 5 p.m. and must end precisely at 6:30. It is the responsibility of the liaison Watchman, the agent, and the border guards to ensure that sessions end on time.

If the session runs past 6:30, for example, until 6:35, Mr. Shams, the agent of academy, will be held accountable and could even face suspension. We’ll say that from now on, you won’t be an agent anymore. We all need to practice making sure the sessions end exactly at 6:30. People have schedules and things to do. They come to a session that starts at 5 and it didn’t end by 7:00 or 7:30. Then someone starts talking about their memories: 'I was a kid, then I didn’t understand anything, I went to school, then I started sneaking cigarettes from my dad, smoked my uncle’s cigarette, and my uncle hit me, and they keep telling their story, going on and on about how they became an addict and then recovered. This should not happen. They should summarize their story quickly, within two to three minutes. Congress 60 members need to learn to participate within two minutes, one minute, and be able to express all issues within that time frame.

This is now a rule. From this point forward, let’s see if we can practice this. We’ve made the impossible possible in the past, and we need to make this possible too. Both the Family Group and the other groups should ensure that sessions start and end on time. Afterward, the legion time gets taken up, and the guides don’t have enough time to hold their sessions. You’ll see that an hour or 45 minutes of the legion time is gone, and they can’t plan properly. This is a very, very important point."

Since today's agenda is D.SAP, and D.SAP is a joint project between Amin and me, which we developed together, Babak has set up the panel. The public relations department has provided a barcode that, when scanned, will direct you to the relevant articles. These articles pertain to a lecture on influenza, lung diseases, and COVID-19 that was held in the U.S., where companies like Pfizer presented their research. One of these articles, which comes with a certificate from the U.S., focuses on anti-inflammation. Most diseases, including cancer and MS, are linked to inflammation. Another article covers infections. This research sparked discussions in international scientific journals, universities, and media outlets worldwide, and it was quickly translated into several languages, including Chinese. Scientists have reflected on its acceptance in the virtual space.

The World Health Organization (WHO), when publishing in their journals or magazines, typically requires you to purchase access to their articles, with prices ranging from $70 to $150. However, with D.SAP, WHO bought the rights to the article (they paid the journal, not us), and since it was a public issue, they made it available for free to everyone. Several of our articles have been similarly made accessible.

And then, regarding the treatment for genital warts, it was fully controlled. For treating genital warts, you take one glass of D.SAP, either grape or apple and mix it with five glasses of water. You pour one glass of D.SAP into a container and add the five glasses of water. The patient then sits in this mixture for about ten to fifteen minutes. For the first twenty-one days, they should do this three times a day in the morning, noon, and evening. On the second twenty-one days, they will soak only in the morning and evening in D.SAP, changing the solution daily. On the third twenty-one days, they will soak only once in the same solution, but it will be once a day. Afterward, it can be done every other day or every two days for three to four cycles, completely eliminating the genital warts. As you know, it is generally considered untreatable, and people often resort to burning or various methods without success. However, this method completely cures it.

We have found that D.SAP has a significant effect on the immune system, and one of its articles was recently republished. It is also available on our website. If you visit the Congress website, you'll find the article that was published in the U.S. This study compared individuals who had contracted COVID-19 with those who consumed D.SAP, showing that the immune systems of D.SAP users were better prepared and they didn’t contract COVID-19. Since we were regularly exposed to the virus, it was clear that the immune systems of those who took D.SAP were vastly stronger compared to those who didn’t, like night and day.

The name D.SAP carries weight, and I doubt you'll find anything as powerful as D.SAP cream. Expensive creams from France, the U.S., or the U.K., which cost $10,000, $5,000, or even $6,000, can’t compare to D.SAP cream, which is now available. The only issue is that, because I offer it at a low price, people might assume it’s not good due to its cost. Even if it were priced at five million toman, it’s incredibly effective. It removes freckles, nourishes the skin, and reduces wrinkles—so give it a try! It has many uses, including treating burns and bedsores, which often have no other solutions. It’s also great for chickenpox and various types of acne.

We are currently analyzing D.SAP with pharmaceutical researchers in England, breaking down its compounds. You wouldn’t believe how potent it is. Right now, we’re using it like crude oil, but once we fully break it down, it will yield many highly valuable substances.

I've kept D.SAP exclusive to Congress 60’s members and haven’t allowed it to be widely distributed yet. We can't officially announce it because I want the members to benefit from it first. What you may not realize is that D.SAP helps prevent many diseases—truly, many diseases. Initially, we used it for constipation. Just two to three bottle caps (5-10 ml) taken on an empty stomach in a glass of water would cure even the worst cases within half an hour, something no other medication could do, but D.SAP did.

Now, the members will share their experiences one by one next week. Some of the points we reach will surprise us, as we may discover just how fruitful and healing this can be. After all, this is something that is utilized in Congress 60 for the members, strengthening their bodily systems significantly. Regarding the barcode, I mentioned earlier, you should take a picture of it and then scan it to access all the information. There’s also a barcode on the D.SAP containers, and if we scan that, it will immediately provide information since it’s officially registered with the Ministry of Agriculture. It shows exactly where it is produced, all the spaces, the factory, and all the orchards—everything will be displayed for you."

Here I must acknowledge a few people who have been working hard on D.SAP. One of them is Mr. Amir Ghadiri, who is consistently planning this and trying to give it to everyone—he truly deserves thanks. Also, Mr. Khodami and several other team members are involved in its production, including Mr. Alireza and a few other guys.
I hope this is a blessing for you, and please try to use this solution wisely, as it has proven effective for many diseases. The members will definitely share their experiences over the next two weeks, and they have some very valuable insights to offer, which we can utilize. Even D.SAP made from grapes has its own unique properties and is much more expensive than D.SAP made from apples, but we have tried to balance these.
Now, moving on from this, we hope to discuss this matter further in the upcoming discussions. We will do our best to provide you with what you need. Thank you for listening to me.

Translated by: Marjan

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