نسخه فارسی
نسخه فارسی

Both the body and the self crave nutritious food.

Both the body and the self crave nutritious food.

"Both the body and the self crave nutritious food."
Hello friends, I am Milad, a Jones Traveler ( Jones is the name of the Weight Loss Legion). My journey lasted ten months under the guidance of Mr. Reza Parsa, during which I successfully lost twenty kilograms.

In Congress 60, I learned that humans consist of self and body, each requiring nourishment through healthy nutrition.
Wholesome nutrition not only affects the body, guiding it in a specific direction, but it also has a profound impact on the human psyche. In the Holy Quran, it is written that humans must be mindful of what they consume.
It is clear that the intention behind being mindful of what we eat goes beyond mere superficial concern. It involves understanding the composition of nutrients, their essential elements, and the deep effects they have on the human body and mind.
Furthermore, it leads to reflecting on the Divine Creator who brought these substances into existence. When I lacked an understanding of my body’s structure and carried nearly 20 kilograms of excess weight, I focused solely on satisfying my hunger by any means, completely ignoring the nutritional value of my diet.
However, since starting the Jones journey and incorporating salads into my diet, I’ve learned to pay close attention to what I eat. I now carefully consider my dietary choices, reflecting on which foods to consume and which to avoid.

Consuming D.sap in the morning offers numerous preventive benefits, and therefore, it is highly recommended to incorporate it into your daily routine.
It serves as a complete detoxifying extract, flushing toxins from the body’s systems, aiding in fat loss, and contributing to weight reduction.
Its dual action suppresses appetite while simultaneously boosting metabolic rate.
It has analgesic properties due to its antibacterial and antiviral nature, enabling it to relieve various types of pain, including stomachaches.
Another benefit of D.sap is its ability to prevent a common phenomenon that occurs with aging, where the skin and muscles gradually separate from the bones, leading to wrinkles.
Thanks to its remarkably high potassium levels, D.sap helps prevent this issue from occurring.
Morning Walk: When I joined the Legion, my guide advised me to walk for half an hour every day. To my surprise, since I started this routine, I've experienced a significant boost in energy each day. Walking provides numerous health benefits, including activating endorphins and strengthening the immune system.
Daily Egg Consumption: Eggs are a nutrient-rich, protein-packed food. When we embark on a weight loss journey, we often lose muscle mass along with body fat, which can be detrimental since muscle tissue is more metabolically active than fat tissue. However, when the body receives enough protein, muscle mass is preserved, allowing it to naturally shed excess fat.
Consuming Salad Half an Hour Before Meals: Eating salad before meals not only helps curb hunger pangs but also provides the body with essential vitamins. This practice can also help prevent constipation throughout the day. Additionally, it significantly reduces the risk of developing gastrointestinal disorders. The high fiber content in salads promotes bowel movements and improves digestion.
Lastly, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to Founder Mr. Dezhakam for creating this platform, where, in addition to the cure of drug and nicotine addiction, I have also learned about obesity management and proper nutrition.


Translated by Hasan

Edited and Revised by: Marjan


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