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نسخه فارسی

By following these simple instructions, I lost over 38 kilograms.

By following these simple instructions, I lost over 38 kilograms.

Hindsight is 20/20
I am Abbas, a traveler in the Healthy Nourishment - Jones Legion from the Semnan branch. I have followed the DST method for 12 months and 11 days under the guidance of Mr. Reza from the Academy branch, and I’ve lost 38 kilograms during this time. It has now been 32 days since I achieved freedom from obesity. I am thankful to God for successfully completing this journey of healthy nourishment. I am also grateful to Mr. Dezhakam for showing me the true path to weight loss. I deeply appreciate my esteemed guide, Mr. Reza, for his training, instructions, and generous kindness. He shared his experiences and teachings with me throughout this journey.

I can’t pinpoint exactly when it was that I first noticed the difference when looking in the mirror, but I saw how much I had changed from the previous Abbas. Over about a year and a half, my weight had climbed to over 120 kilograms. This weight gain happened gradually, and I didn’t realize how I had become obese. During my drug addiction, using methadone as an anti-X treatment led to many destructive changes in my life, including mood swings, lifestyle changes, disordered sleep patterns, excessive eating, inactivity, and a strong craving for sweet foods, snacks, chocolates, and other sugary treats. Notably, the more sweet foods I consumed, the weaker I felt. As a result, I ate even more sweets and gained a significant amount of weight.

I thank God for guiding me to Congress 60. With the permission of Mr. Dezhakam, I began my journey in healthy nourishment—Jones travel. Starting this journey made me realize how much damage I had inflicted on my body and soul while being unaware. I embarked on my healthy nourishment journey by following the CDs, participating in Jones legions, and adhering to the parameters (suitable food, proper timing, and appropriate amounts). According to Mr. Dezhakam’s CDs, the first step in controlling weight is to have a digital scale. I took this advice seriously and obtained one right away. I weigh myself every morning before breakfast and record my weight in a notebook with the date of the same day. Here is a summary of my daily program for this journey.
My program began with drinking a glass of lukewarm water mixed with D.sap, followed by a half-hour walk. Walking in the morning is the best time to enjoy sunlight and get some exercise. Afterward, it was time for breakfast. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and skipping it can lead to weight gain. The best time to eat breakfast is early in the morning. One consistent element of my journey was eating a hard-boiled egg. A hard-boiled egg is an excellent, affordable, and readily available source of protein that meets the body’s daily needs and provides high nutritional value. Consuming protein in the morning helps stabilize blood sugar levels, keeps you feeling full, and improves concentration throughout the day.
In the Healthy Nourishment - Jones program, we do not have snacks and strive to eat our meals at specific times each day. If I felt a craving between breakfast and lunch, I would eat a single piece of fruit.
I ate salad 30 minutes before lunch. Salad is a great source of fiber, providing essential energy and a variety of vitamins. Eating salad helps minimize digestive issues. Additionally, adding grape D.sap to the salad not only enhances its flavor but also offers unique and beneficial properties. From my experience, D.sap helps reduce cravings for sweets throughout the day. It acts as a powerful fat burner, supporting weight loss by reducing appetite and boosting metabolism. Therefore, it is an excellent seasoning and supplement for salad.
During my journey, I had a light dinner consisting of uncooked foods like milk, walnuts, and yogurt, as well as cooked foods such as various lentils and soups. This was my daily routine for losing weight in the Healthy Nourishment program. Some people who are unfamiliar with the Jones travel might wonder, “Is the Healthy Nourishment program really just about eating salad, hard-boiled eggs, and D.sap, and weighing ourselves daily?” My answer is yes. By following these simple instructions, I lost over 38 kilograms. As with any puzzle, the solution becomes clear once you have the right approach. Just as Mr. Dezhakam solved the issue of drug addiction with the DST method, he has also clarified the approach to weight loss for us. Thus, weight can be effectively managed through the DST method.
Observing three meals at specific times each day and allowing about 11 months for this process are essential to reaching an ideal and desirable weight. It is important to give the body time to eliminate excess fats and toxins, so there is no need to rush the program. Throughout my healthy eating journey, I included a variety of foods. I learned that my food choices should be diverse and complete, but always healthy.
I included vegetables, legumes, healthy whole grain bread, and a variety of seasonal fruits in my diet because our bodies need a diverse range of foods. Even fats are necessary, but they should come from healthy sources like buttermilk, local butter, and animal oil. From my experience with healthy eating, I have learned not to rely on supermarket shelves for truly healthy food. Processed, canned, semi-prepared, and fast foods not only lack nutritional value but are also extremely harmful. I now prefer to choose fresh, high-quality foods with significant nutritional value.
My experience with the journey of healthy eating has been enriched by the knowledge and awareness I gained about my body. This knowledge is incredibly valuable to me. The journey of healthy eating is, in fact, a continuous path. We need to adopt a routine that is sustainable for all days of our lives—whether we are on vacation, traveling, at a party, busy with work, or just living our everyday lives. We must be able to implement healthy nutrition consistently and not neglect it.
Therefore, the journey of healthy eating provides us with a sustainable lifestyle and a consistent daily routine. The goal of achieving health is to maintain well-being and a stable, balanced weight while enjoying life. This means having a variety of foods, not depriving ourselves of delicious and favorite foods, avoiding starvation and malnutrition, and maintaining a complete, varied, and healthy food basket. These aspects represent the significant and unique advantages of the Healthy Nourishment - Jones program compared to other weight loss methods that may be misguided, incorrect, or only temporary. Now that I have achieved liberation from the chains of overweight, I reflect on the journey I undertook, starting with small steps and ultimately achieving real results. I owe my current sense of liberation to the principles of Congress 60, Mr. Dezhakam, and my dedicated guide, Mr. Reza. I am deeply grateful for their guidance in showing me the right path to weight loss and healthy eating.



Translated by: Banafshe
Edited and revised by: Marjan

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