نسخه فارسی
نسخه فارسی

Mr. Dezhakam's Speech on the Statement of the Problem of Addiction

Mr. Dezhakam's Speech on  the Statement of the Problem of Addiction

The 10th  session of the 82nd  round of  Congress 60 workshops in the Academy branch of Congress 60 was administered on September 18th, 2024 at 10 a.m. by Mr. Hossein  Dezhakam as the guest speaker and Mr. Alireza as the secretary. The agenda was “The Problem of Addiction”.

Mr. Dezhakam’s Speech:


Hello friends, I am Hossein a traveler,
I am fine and hope you are keeping well. God willing, we will have a good autumn this year with rain. I mention some points first.
Those who participated in the Guidance exam must fill out the serving form.
The second point is that a legion member who wants to change their legion and guide can leave the legion very easily. The only thing to do is to go to one of the branch’s Border Guards, and based on the rules, they can change their legion. It is their right to change their guide and no one can resist this rule.
The third point is that dairy products must be consumed in the daily life of human beings, some people are now discouraging people from drinking milk, but it is wrong.
And about “the problem of addiction”, for everything, we must first understand the question itself, we have to find out what the question is. The problem of addiction in the world is that they claim a drug abuser merely uses drugs because they are selfish. But Congress 60 stated that the problem of addiction consists of three sides body, psyche, and worldview. Why is addiction related to the body? Because our experiments on animals showed this, and we observed that rats that were addicted and then cured, using the DST method and Opium Tincture, returned to a balanced life. Therefore, the problem of addiction is rooted in the body, when the body (physiology) does not work appropriately. When the body returns to normal status, the person’s view and behavior will go normal. First, you have to reduce a pain in a tooth, then the person becomes calm and relaxed.  
We understood that addiction is the replacement of external drugs instead of naturally produced inner opioid substances of the body. In the body, natural opioid substances are produced in the body; enkephalin, dynorphin and endorphin are produced naturally; however, in addiction, the inner opioid substances are replaced by external drugs. In Congress 60, gradually the internal substances are produced and addiction is cured.  
For me, cancer is defined as an interference in the opioid production of the body. Hangover, cancer, and tumors are the results of the imbalance in the opioid substances in the body. But the scientists’ view and decision is to take out and cut the tumor. This is their only solution. Cutting the tumor is good, but we have to find the roots and reasons why this tumor is formed in the body. Therefore, if the problem is correctly stated, wise people can find solutions. Are there any mistakes in the problems stated in the history of human beings? Yes, lots of mistakes have arisen in bringing up the problem itself.
Another issue is that female drug consumers now can go to the branches of Congress 60, and these ladies must be carefully protected and supported.
And the last point is that weight loss in the world is carried out in two ways: either by avoiding eating or by extreme workouts to burn calories and fat. However, the weight loss method in Congress 60 is a brand new one, first, you have to eat two boiled eggs for breakfast [without bread], and you have to eat salad [without mayonnaise sauce] half an hour before the main meals at noon and night. I emphasize the gap between eating salad and a meal, it must be half an hour. You are not allowed to cut cakes and confections from your diet. You cannot keep your body hungry and striving for food. You have to learn the language of the body and if you place and impose severe limitations on the body, it will accumulate and store fat in it. 
Thank you very much for listening
Translated by Elahe

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