نسخه فارسی
نسخه فارسی

Communications of Hossein and Bill ((Reply to Bill - August 23, 2022)

Communications of Hossein and Bill ((Reply to Bill - August 23, 2022)

Dear Bill,

I hope you are fine; I am well.

Yesterday on the 23rd of August the Dideban meeting was conducted. All the critical decisions are being made in these meetings, which are held every 4 weeks and sometimes every two weeks.

15 Didebans were present– Two of them have finished the 4 years serving period, although this period can be extended. With your permission, you were presented as the international Dideban of Congress 60. Everyone started talking about our enduring friendship and all the valuable services you have done for Congress 60. After final voting, you were announced as the international Dideban of Congress 60.

Everyone was talking about you. We posit that you have been doing this responsibility for more than 10 years. You have been doing an excellent job and I am so delighted. From now on I will try to send the excerpt of the Dideban sessions for your review and to know your ideas on the decisions.

Tomorrow I will announce this matter in Congress 60’s public meeting.

The only step that remains is to present you the white shawl of Didebans and to seal the pact.

Dear Bill,

We are about to have the co-guide examinations in 23 days. More than 8000 individuals have enrolled for this exam which is unprecedented.

Only second travelers and those co-travelers with more than 10 months in Congress 60 can take part in this exam.

I posit that accepted candidates are fully capable of curing any type of addiction and guiding the family members through this healing period.

I am designing the questions for the exam.

You mentioned your knee problem. The same happened to me recently and it is like even our injuries are getting similar!

I lost my balance while I was trying to move a full wheelbarrow at the farm and fell. It left me with some knee bruises which were healed after one day of resting.

I will be honored to be introduced to Dr. Galatner. The DST method article was accepted by the magazine and will be printed in two weeks.

Printing this article in a scientific magazine is a big deal that opens the gate of the DST treatment to the world. We need to complete this process step by step to teach this certain addiction treatment to people around the globe.

Dear friend,

Our job of presenting true addiction treatment has just begun!

Every day I can see people with like 18 years of sobriety enter Congress 60 to experience the true treatment with the DST method while they have students and pupils in other addiction treatment advocacies.

This number is increasing.

We have to prove to the world that addiction has a certain cure. Addiction is not a mysterious, progressive, and incurable disease anymore!

Addiction is completely curable with proper treatment composed of medical treatment, psychological treatment, and true recovery.

Friends and brothers on heaven and earth forever


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