The 12th session of the 74th round of Congress 60 workshops in the Academy branch of Congress 60 was administered on January 5th, 2022 at 10:00 a.m. by Mr. Dezhakam as the guest speaker and Ms. Azam as the secretary. The agenda was “Companions’ Week Celebration”.
Mr. Dezhakam:
Hello friends, I am Hossein, a traveler. I hope you are all fine and I am fine too. Today is Wednesday, January 5th, 2022, 15 days has passed winter. I congratulate the Companions Week to all the male and female companions. First of all, I have to tell you some points: first, the traveler’s guide must inform the companion’s guide to attend for the traveler’s liberation from addiction. The newcomer's guides are not allowed to serve and take part in other positions or sections. The next point is that I am not a physician and I cannot cure people with different diseases. I can do many things but this is not my job. I have proposed some ideas (to treat incurable diseases) and when they are approved in the medical system, they can be utilized in the medical system, I myself do not do anything in this regard.

When I started Congress 60 (23 years ago), only travelers (drug abusers who decide to treat their addiction) had to participate in educational classes, but we observed that many women were companying the travelers and we had to gather them in the building and to avoid their waste of time, we decided to hold some educational classes for them as well. Then, the companions received education and they helped their travelers; they become their travelers’ wings to fly. If a companion did not receive the education, they were not coordinated with each other. And finally, the travelers learned how to behave and they got disciplined. The male companions must also be educated as well as the female companions, and become as strong as the female.
In “companions’ week”, the travelers must thank their companions with envelopes of money and gifts. We have damaged our companions and now we have to compensate for these damages. We have to learn how to appreciate (those who help us). Nowadays, people use bad language (however, the tongue of a lover is as soft as silk), we have to use a milder language and gentle language and we have to behave our family members, our wife and children in a good way.
We annually have five or six celebrations in Congress 60, and if you give money in all of them, how much money have you paid? It is not very much, while your treatment in Congress 60 is far more valuable than this limited amount of money paid for the celebrations.
I hope the male companions are more active in this feast.
Thank you for listening to me.
Mr. Amin Dezhakam: I congratulate the Companion week to all companions. They received the education here and their family flourished. Two wise people can live happily together, and two unwise people can live together as well, however, a wise and unwise cannot live together. And this results in the Wise’s heart arrest because they cannot live happily.
Translated by Elahe