نسخه فارسی
نسخه فارسی

The Eleventh Valley and its Effect on Me

The Eleventh Valley and its Effect on Me

The ninth session of the 74th  round of  Congress 60 workshops in the Academy branch of Congress 60 was administered on December 15th, 2021 at 9:30 a.m. by Mr.   Dezhakam as the guest speaker and Ms. Azam as the secretary. The agenda was “The Eleventh Valley and its Effect on Me”:
“All the roaring rivers and gushing springs will ultimately reach the sea and ocean.”

Hello friends, I am Hossein a traveler. I am fine and hope you are keeping well. Days are going very fast. The agenda is “All the roaring rivers and gushing springs will ultimately reach the sea and ocean.”
All our great men in the human history were searching for utopia [Congress 60 is the utopia where we were searching for]. In Congress 60, we have to observe all the rules. We have  role models in Congress 60. One of these role models is the Border-Guard system. If we decide to rule Congress 60 based on outside rules (not the rules of Congress 60), we will go astray.
In all the branches, all the members must  act in accordance with the rules of Congress 60. Any job must be done systematically, and the permission must be taken from the top authorities and Didebans of Congress60.
Try to omit the bureaucracy and do the work by a permission. In any celebrations, you have to play and perform the music made by Congress 60. Do not use the outside music.
The certificates of presented articles in the US conferences have been received, our articles about curing infectious disease were selected as the best keynote speaker. The certificates have been signed by two great researchers one from Germany and one from Netherlands.
All the activities done in Congress 60 must be done with the permission of Congress 60’s authorities. I have deleted mountain climbing and cycling from Congress 60’s sports, because we cannot take the responsibility of the individuals’ safety.
The university of Congress 60 is progressing and from Saturday  till now (Wednesday) I have signed a cheque for about 48000 dollars.
Then, one of the companions, Mrs. Azam, a Pahlevan of Congress 60, verbalized  the memorized 11th valley:
At the time when light was pregnant with darkness, Satan disobeyed the divine command, and it was as if a dark, black spot was born from the lights. It slowly began marching towards the bright universe in order to expand darkness and obscurity and prove its domination over humans to the Supreme Power.
The fallen angel gathered its disciples in the placeless and said “the human being has been given an attribute that we lack and in order for us to prove our supremacy and competence over him, we must deviate him from his ascendant journey using inspiration and infusion.
We can only propel him towards vices and immoral behaviors using inspiration and infusion or in other words we can only invite him since his free will must be respected.”
“You can be sure that many humans will join our colony because human being is a creature with two attributes, virtue and vice. They are beings who are greedy, ungrateful, obnoxious, and infidel except for a few of them who do the righteous act and spread the message of love and peace and those who invite others to patience”
Since humans have been given a material domain or an earthly body, the most important subject in this material world is matter and note that a warning has also been issued to humanity about this:
“If you dominate matter and control it, then you have almost defeated the dark forces however, if matter dominates you and fully conquers you, then you will definitely be defeated. Getting down from a horse is as important as getting on the horse.”
The commander of the dark forces continued “humans are learning and living by the tenacious laws that have been announced from the supreme power. Annihilation of these laws is impossible, but twisting and distorting them is doable. Moderation is the law but wastage and overindulgence is our wish.”
The assault started; outflow of lies, hatred, jealousy, betrayal, fear and anxiety begun thriving. Gluttony, immorality, reproduction, accumulation of wealth, invasion of properties and lands, oppressions, wars and bloodshed by humans heightened. It was as if heavenly doors of divine inspirations had been closed due to humanity’s rebellion and disobedience and also infiltration of the dark forces. The power of destructive forces in the physique became the ruler and in order to lead human being towards their mentality, they prepared instruments of pleasure, fleeting joys and various temporary gratifications.
In these circumstances, descending of virtues and positive inspirations were much less and all creatures especially humans were immensely suffering. Only those who were rich or very wise could survive and without these two qualities one would have lost the game of life. The conflict was over how to acquire things and not how to use or keep them; it was as if dark forces had rebelled in the domain of God.
At that time, Satan aimed for the most dangerous subject and shot its poisonous arrow which was related to magic, and this seven color magic was none other than “Khamr”!
Khamr means veil and cover, a substance that veils the intellect therefore vices from virtues are no longer discernible. For instance: opium, hash, coke, Alcoholic beverages, mushroom, and even the poisoned thoughts and eventually substances that will be created by humans in future which will play a role in unbalancing people. These substances will be provided under legal and illegal names and brands.
Satan introduced a magical, intoxicating substance which was a wild and beautiful flower named poppy that was the most useful and healing medicinal plant, and he said:  
“If this plant is in the hands of a skillful physician then it would be healing and life-giving but if it falls into the hands of ordinary people, it would be a seemingly tasty, sweet poison. Distribute it among men, women, the elderly and strong, healthy youths as a quick way to achieve their desires and also as an excuse to be merry, invite them to use this magical substance so that the strongest, wisest and the most beautiful humans turn into the ugliest, weakest and the most coward.”
Satan’s command was carried out and during thousands of years all kinds of intoxicants (Khamr) were developed and became popular and they took many people to the deepest points of darkness.
The fallen angle smiled and said: “carry out the second phase of intoxicants.”
Suddenly, out of a group of scientists, an ignorant expert said: “I’ve discovered a substance from the distillate of opium which is useful for curing opium addiction.” and other ignorant experts believed this and heroin was invented which was ten times more destructive than opium or any other kind of known drug addiction.
Once again the commander of dark forces smiled and said: “initiate the third stage.”
This time start the production and distribution of all kinds of pills and chemical substances such as crack and crystal meth which are hundred times more harmful than opium and heroin to gain a lots of money for yourself and to bring misery and madness for mankind. Common start!
Anyways my dears, even if we take this matter to be an undisputed fact, still the truth is somewhere else and something else and has another purpose. Because God is omniscient and almighty and takes the necessary measures, he has created the destructive forces and wicked humans in order to complement the creation so that humans can attain a sound intellect along with a perfect understanding and know what is the right or wrong action and have the ability to carry out the righteous deed.
Therefore, to exit the darkness we have only one way and that is holding onto the divine thread, and the essence of this divine thread is respecting and carrying out God’s laws and commands and these laws and commands are in a way that, from the most primitive to the very modern people, atheists and very religious, all accept and agree upon as these commandments are very reasonable and logical.
What do these commandments say?
Do not lie, do not steal, do not be selfish, do not take or give bribes, do not judge others, do not find fault with others, do not be grumpy, do not do vices, do not do drugs and alcohol, do not break a promise, do not betray, believe in justice, be kind to others, help those in need and always contemplate.

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