The 14th session of the 13th session of the general training workshops of the 60th Congress for archers, led by Masafar Ibrahim , the guard of Hamsafar Zahra, and the secretary of Hamsafar Shahrazad, with the agenda of the session "Seventh Valley (the secret of discovering the truth is in two things; one is finding the way and the other is what we collect) and its effect on me" was held on Friday 23 September 1403 at 16:00 at Bakman Shooting Club, Congress 60, Takhti Sports Complex.
Summary of the teacher's words:
Before I start my speech, I want to thank the dear guard, especially since this is his last meeting. I am also grateful to his family, because he and his passenger are veterans of the Congress. One of the laws observed in the Congress is the 13th law, which refers to the respect of veterans. I am truly grateful to them and their passengers.
The secret of discovering the truth lies in two things: one is finding the way and the other is what we perceive. You should pay attention to these points. The agenda of the meeting is the influence of the seventh valley on me and the examination of various valleys such as the seventh valley, the fourth valley, and the third valley and the analysis of the impact of each of these valleys on me, which I am trying to express simply. For this reason, when I am the teacher of the session, I do not write anything in advance. I say that we should have a correct understanding of the way that engineers have found.
Mr. Engineer continues to explain that after finding the way, what we collect is the next code. Just finding a way is not enough. With the help of superior forces and God's power, Mr. Engineer has completed the first stage with the 60th congress system, and the first thing discovered was addiction treatment. You heard many times that Mr. Engineer said that the addiction case was closed. After that, the issue of cigarettes was raised and the case was closed. Now we talk easily about these topics. The issue of overweight has also been raised.
Mr. Engineer said in one of the CDs that after the time of the Messenger of God, science began to disperse and will be concentrated again at some point. I believe that point is the 60th Congress and what will the focus be like? This issue is very important. Someone found a way and included this way in his texts and laws.
Congress 60 system is not only for addiction and smoking, but it can be used in all fields. We witnessed a structure that cannot be found anywhere else in the world in the Balade camp, the last day of which was yesterday. Some of you have seen other countries, and if you haven't, you have participated in great gatherings. In this camp, not a single litter was seen and there was no quarrel.
In my opinion; This system is so big and deep that in the future, even big people and personalities may be a congress with this belief. This system is so widespread and effective that beliefs will change.
In financial discussions, look at Digikala launched in '86 and the Congress 60 site in '83. If you see that these humans saw something earlier than others, it is a great opportunity for me to be in this system and learn from it.
Do the work, not the speech.
In the continuation of the meeting, after the reading of the message, the guard election was held with the presence of two candidates, and Musafir Reza was elected as the guard of the 14th session of the general training workshops of the 60th Congress for archers.
In addition to God's blessing for the service of fellow traveler Zahra Gardhani and their teachers, Jamila and Shahrazad, we ask God for fruitful service for Reza Passenger and their teachers.
Marzban Shaikh: Hamsafar Esra and traveler Ezzatullah
Photographer: Hamsafar Esra Marzban Khabari
Typing: Hamsafar Maede Rahjovi Archery guide Hamsafar Zainab
Edited and sent by: Hamsafar Shahrzad Rahjovi Archery guide Hamsafar Fatemeh
Hamsafaran Archery Agency Congress 60
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