نسخه فارسی
نسخه فارسی

The Sixth Valley

The Sixth Valley

Wisdom's command, as the commander in chief, should be carried out accordingly.
In the evolution process, intellect operates on its own like a machine whereas spirit with its unique and gentle characteristics is led by intellect’s will.
Wisdom is the most significant landmark in our journey of evolution which has neither a beginning nor an end and we must attain wisdom’s command as it is essential in our path. The universal wisdom is like the sun shining on everything and all creation including us. Humans are like houses that have outlets for sunrays to enter. The more cleansing we do the bigger the outlet becomes and in turn, our houses get brighter as the sun of wisdom shines through. However, if we move towards impurities then these outlets get smaller and darkness invades our being. Intellect is made up of particles that we are not familiar with and it is not made up of flesh and bones or other materials. That’s why it is eternal and non-perishable and will not be destroyed after death. A question comes to mind about the brain and its function. The answer is that brain is an interpreter for intellect just like how tongue is the tool for speech or taste. Intellect acts as a great ruler in our universe within or in our city of existence and it has received its throne from the supreme force. In other words, it has the Divine Splendor and governs over our psyche. Obeying all the instructions and laws of this wise king can help us walk the righteous path and lead us towards a higher station in our journey of evolution, one day we will say be and it will be! Or in other words, we would gain the ability to do as we command. For instance: when we decide not to give up hope or to be positive or to stop doing a wrong deed we would succeed. When life is not going according to our plans and we are about to do something wrong to escape that situation, an inner voice will be heard: Don’t give up, everything will be fine. This situation will be changed. Have faith, be patient, try harder and don’t do this amoral deed! Another voice is heard immediately: Didn’t I tell you that life is void and meaningless? It doesn’t worth it. So what? Eventually, death awaits you. Death is better than living like this... and thousands more of these dark words which have no point but to steer our lives toward darkness and despair. Perhaps this voice would say: Seize the day, nobody will ever know!!! Now we know that the first voice was wisdom or our intellect and the latter is the voice of the lower self (the condition of being pleasing or fulfilling to the senses)! There is a constant internal battle between the higher self and the lower self and intellect knows exactly what the right decision is but the deception of our carnal desires is a great obstacle to overcome. Now we compare our body to a city calling it the city of existence, which includes our cells, intellect and other attributes and we would give personalities to them in order to illustrate our point clearly. In this city all kinds of humans exist; savage tribes, criminals, tyrants and cruel individuals as well as honest, decent, and noble people. There is a council in the city where all the leaders of different communities gather and make decisions about the wishes of the people and then leave the final decision to the great ruler (intellect). If the ruler decides that the matter is in the best interest of the people, the rule is carried out. However, when the council is under pressure from the bandits and criminals to make harmful decisions, the ruler doesn’t allow that to happen. At this stage, the savage leaders who are always after satisfying their carnal desires unite with other vices and choose the lower self as their leader. Deceptive imaginations constantly invade the mind and lies and deception become the strategy for a coup against the ruler. In these conditions, the wise ruler is taken down from his position of authority and the lower self takes over as the illegitimate ruler. Now, the city enters into a state of chaos and anarchy and the destruction begins. This goes on until one of the virtuous leaders starts to blame and criticizes the current government. This leader is the conscience or the middle self and reduces the rate of destruction. This leader takes over the power from the lower self and the power is given back to the intellect once again, of course not the full power. And so the story continues and the conditions of the city improve, sometimes is good and other times is bad. Then comes a day when an outstanding individual from the council rises up to take over and his name is the higher self or reassured self. If one day the power is in the hands of the higher self then that day is the era of ultimate justice, peace, and harmony, the day of intellect’s command. This story of the coup against the intellect is our current situation. Since the lower self has taken over the affairs of our body (inner city), a great destruction on our body and psyche has taken place and the battle is in full force. Any time we decide to quit despair or wrong deeds, the lower self as the commander in chief creates deceptive images in our mind to force us into despair. Anyhow there is only one way out: we must start implementing the wisdom commands. There is no need to do great things just simple orders of wisdom like: take a shower, take out the garbage, save money, do not investigate others and etc. later on we will learn to carry out bigger commands and let’s keep this in mind that we will not become a worthy commander if we are not an obedient of wisdom initially. There is a distance like a string between the wisdom command and lower-self’s command but this transformation would take thousands of years. Let’s carry out the wisdom commands.
Adopted from the book " Love, 14 Valleys to Know Thyself"

Translated by: Ehsan Ranjbar

Written by: Hossein Dezhakam