English Version

How to Put ourThinking into Practice?

How to Put ourThinking into Practice?

Cognition alone is not the ultimate approach to problem-solving in our world. It will be completed with experience and achievement.

The valleys of the book of love teach us the lessons of life and to live properly, and as Mr. Dezhakam always says, the valleys are like the alphabet, and everyone makes up their own story according to them.  The valleys number 1 to 4, teach us how to think and build our mental structure, and that we just have to rely on ourselves in doing things, and we have responsibility for all our work, and we don't expect anything from others, even God. It means they give us the confidence that we can make the right moves on our own, provided we walk in the path of values. The Fifth Valley tells us that in our world, thinking is not the absolute power of solving, but It will be completed with experience and achievement. At the beginning of the valley, we get familiar with the three worlds in which we live.

  1. The earthly universe or the physical universe in which we live consciously
  2.  The sleeping world in which we are living unconsciously and includes another part of our lives
  3.  The intellectual world that is a prelude and planning for how to live in a physical world or other universes in which the structure is planning by thinking and practices to live.

 So, in this valley, we learn how to fulfill our mental structures and thoughts. As stated in this valley, in order to move in a straight path, one must move in the direction of values and distance ourselves from all anti-values to achieve comfort and tranquility, but we should also note that we cannot put aside the anti-values overnight. We must move slowly and over time and stay away from the anti-values with practice.

The Fifth valley has explained to us seven ways by which we can achieve the goal.

  1. Turning away from vices: that is, the exodus of human beings from Satan's captivity. If we think for a moment, we will find out what is right and what is wrong to avoid.
  2. Refrain: If we are unsure about something we must refrain from doing that act.
  3. Contentment. : This section reminds me to value everything I have and not to regret what I don’t have and make the best situation out of the simplest things.
  4. Patience: A person who learns the true concept of patience and uses it in life reaches high positions. Patience means taking into account the parameter of time with a calculated effort.
  5. Investigate, sentence, backbite: Sometimes we human beings investigate other people's lives with baseless curiosities and put ourselves in the position of a judge with lack of information and judge others, but we must learn not to judge others and not to do anything about other people's lives and to focus on ourselves. (pay much more attention to ourselves rather than others and stop poking our noses into others affairs)
  6. Saving: Mr. Dezhakam always emphasizes this issue and considers it necessary for all of us to live because the path of life is full of ups and downs and we must always think about the end and always strengthen our financial foundations.
  7. Reliance, gratification, submission: I learned in Congress60 I should try and yet to rely on the supreme power and always submit to God's command, although it is very difficult to reach this stage and requires a lot of purification and refinement. In the end I hope we do as the command says.

Written by: Companion Leila

Translated by: Traveler Behrang


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