نسخه فارسی
نسخه فارسی

Sense: An Engine For Moving

Sense: An Engine For Moving

 Sometimes, our minds keep negative energy and change it to a powerful anger to take the revenge from others while we are not aware that we are wasting our energy too.

 We are looking for a clue to discover how the senses spark inside us. Or how do we make decisions? Or under which forces do we make a better decision? If we recognize the type and nature of the forces which drive us and make us fall and rise, we will be able to solve lots of our visible and hidden problems. Energy is a kind of force that drives us to accomplish jobs and activities. We can put forth an example for it. Energy in invisible attributes is the same as money in our physical world. If someone has an amount of money to spend, they can achieve their desires. If not, they become bored and usually keeps complaining.

This energy can be earned from the legal and right way or not, like money. The way we are making money is the same as the quality of the energy we acquire. People are exchanging energy in every moment; whether they are positive or negative. Sense is the main engine for moving. You may say: “I do not feel like doing anything. I do not like to study or to go to a party or anybody comes to visit me, and so on.”

We do not feel any sense unless energy is transferred. To explain this example, I can say: when you humiliate someone in front of others, they feel absurdity. We have robbed them of their energy and we feel powerful. In fact, we absorb their energy. Since the energy has transferred without any agreements between the two sides, we have received an impure energy which can be like the sewage flowing into the pool of our souls. According to the law of action and reaction, the negative energy, like sewage, brings us negative consequences. Sense is created as a result of exchanging energy. Negative energies have strong and long domains but last short. Sometimes, our mind keeps a memory for a long time, boost it and change it into a furious wave of anger to revenge ourselves on others. Anyway, we have wasted energy through this negative process. The process leads to the creation of negative structure one of which is backbiting. We are wasting our inner energy, by which we can move in the right path, on irrelevant talks about others. We have built a strong negative wave that destroys us first.

Image result for "mental waves"

The key point is that all these have happened unwittingly in our invisible attributes. Jealousy is another structure. How is it created? Someone performs a right job which creates a positive strong wave. As we cannot be in their position we try to harm and destroy them instead of spending more energy on making efforts. We try to create a very strong negative wave. In fact, not only do we not receive the positivity but we sink in our negativity. What are the negative senses? They are shown in the triangle, called ignorance, with three sides of fear, despair, and conceit.

We need to recognize that each negative structure belongs to which side of this triangle. For example, fear is the root of lie, jealousy comes from conceit and an addict’s failure during his treatment period originates from despair. These senses have roots in at least one side of the triangle. We should pass this triangle to reach the triangle of wisdom. Conceit should be broken, fear should be faced, and despair should lose the battle with hope. We have to know each sense and pass ver it and reach the self-awareness. Sense is a kind of force and negative forces have the ability of destruction.. Anger makes destructive waves like earthquakes, tsunamis, and hurricanes. If we could not control it, it will ruin everything.

Image result for "mental waves"

I would like to talk about the lower self. It has always been into controlling the mind to achieve its goals. However, wisdom has awarded to us by the Lord to make right decisions. Unfortunately, the lower self tries to put a false perspective in our mind to deceive the wisdom. If we learn to say “no” to our “selves”, we will also be able to do it in the outside world.

If you mistake a negative sense for another one, it will produce more destruction. For example, the wave produced by anger is the opposite to the sense of fear. You should take distant from the waves of anger while you should get closer to those of fear. You should go to the very depth of fear to solve it. Despair originates from the lack of motivation and movement. He should first create an incentive for himself. Anger says: move fast (attraction), fear says: do not move, you will lose (repulsion), and despair is the result of not moving. And if there are not any motions, it will result in exhausting. Only objects do not move not living creatures.


Written by: Companion Mehri

Translated by: Companion Parvin

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