نسخه فارسی
نسخه فارسی

Educational workshop for the male companions

Educational workshop for the male companions


The 4th session of the 30th round of Congress60 educational workshops for Companions was held by Ms. Annie Kamandar (a watcher) as the guest speaker, Mr. Mahdi as the master of ceremony and Mr.  Alireza as the secretary in Academi Branch on Tuesday, 5/10/2017 at 13:00.  The weekly agenda was “X-system”.

Ms. Annie’s words:

Mr. Dezhakam mentions in the educational CD “Disorder” the sick are divided into two groups: those who have “disorders” and those who have “diseases”.

The brain of dead individuals will sometimes be tested; if it has been shrunk, it would be concluded that they have suffered from some kinds of disease like Alzheimer.  And if the brain seems unchanged volumetrically they had suffered from a disorder like Schizophrenia or Bipolar. After these investigations, drug addiction was included in the group of disorders and based on this classification, psychiatrists have been responsible for studying about it. If it is affirmed that drug addiction is a disease, it will be excluded from the psychiatry field. When it is considered as a disease, its history (when has it been formed), effects and the parts influenced will be surveyed and the treatment protocol will be codified thereupon.

Mr.  Dezhakam stated that addiction is a kind of disease. When smoke is seen on a mountain, it is concluded that there is fire or burning; or when the ground is wet, it implies raining. Mr. Dezhakam has also suggested some concepts like “the X- theory”. The X- system refers to all neurotransmitters, hormones, mediators, endocrine and exogenous glands and their effects on other body organs. Some parts of its mechanism are ascertained scientifically but most of it are unknown. Regarding to the X- theory, every individual can attain balance by DST method and OT (opium tincture) after at least 10 months of treatment. It has been realized in Congress60 that besides treating narcotics addiction, other individuals’ diseases have been cured simultaneously during the treatment period. The X- theory reveals that most of chronic somatic diseases and incurable mental disorders can be treated by this method.

All drugs like opium extract, crack, alcohol, hashish (marijuana) and some psychedelic drugs are called anti-X which disrupt the balance of the X- system.

Addiction was defined as a disease and OT has been specified as the treatment medicine in Congress60. Since opium was used as a medicine thousands years ago, containing various alkaloids which are structurally similar to inner quasi-opioid in human body. For example, narcotine, morphine and narceine are so similar to endorphin and dinorphin.

Prepared by: Companion Mohammad

Translated by: Companion Banafshe

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