نسخه فارسی
نسخه فارسی

The X-system

The X-system

The sixth session of 60th  round of the Academy Branch Workshops was held on 4 October , 2017 at 10 a.m., this meeting was held by Master Dezhakam as the master of ceremony and Mr. Amir as the secretary. The weekly agenda was "The X System".

Master Dezhakam as always started his speech with some important points:

Congress60 accepts the paralyzed. However, in the places where Congress60's meetings are held on the second or third floor, those wheelchair-users are not able to go upstairs. If they want to go upstairs and attend the meeting, many chairs must move and it bothers others or disturbs the order. Therefore, the wheelchair users can go to the ground-floor branches.

The second point is that in Congress60, we cannot admit illiterate people. Because they are not able to write a CD, as their guide asks them to do so. Treatment in not the only matter here, alongside the treatment, we have the worldview, therefore, admitting these people is not the righteous action.

The third point is that the second-travelers must participate in the follow-up programs and the guides are responsible for that. We decided to have a person in all the branches for inspecting the follow-ups. If a traveler does not come for the 6th month follow-up, it means that their treatment has had a problem (i.e. they are using drugs now). Those who do not go for the follow-up programs will not recognized (as travelers) in Congress60.

Admission age in Congress60 is 56 years old; however, we may admit 60 or 70 years old people. This is due to the letter from a higher rank authority. When an old person comes to a branch, the agent of that branch must send a letter to the upper rank authority, when the person was justified (about the rules and requirements), they can start their travel. For example, they are told that you may be 70 years old and your guide is only 25 years old, but you must obey your guide, if he asks you to write an educational CD, you must do that. They are not allowed to say you are the same as my son; therefore, I do not do what you say!

Today agenda is the X-theory or the X-hypothesis. From the establishment of Congress60, we did not want to carry out research studies. Whatever happened to us was accidental and God's will. I did not want to invent the DST method, but it was created on its own. Firstly, I accepted that I was a drug-user and based on the world's consensus, addiction was incurable; therefore, I had to be a drug-user to the end of my life. I told myself: "Ok, it does not matter (to be a drug-user to the end of life), but I have to know when and how much drugs I have to consume." An alcohol user also must know which type of alcohol, how much and when they must drink.

In the first step, the type, the amount and the time of consumption were specified. At first, I set five drug-meals a day. After a while, I set four drug-meals and step by step it became two times a day. Gradually, the outlook appeared and the DST method was discovered. The X-system was likewise discovered. I experienced a situation which I think no one can experience. In developed countries, as the researchers want to carry out a research on people, they are required to get the Ethics Committee's permission. Even after the research, some of the participants may come and complain.

I decided to give the drug-stop order, because before that, the guides might order the drug-stop, as the traveler was tapering the drug and reaching .5 gram of opium a day. That is why I decided to give the drug-stop order myself. When I was giving the drug-stop order, I asked them some questions and gathered their information. The important point was that they all were on the same programme and they had the same method of treatment. We have now 11000 individuals who are travelling with OT. They are following the same protocol, one discipline and one order, and they are doing the same.


I give 70 to 120 orders of drug-stop weekly, where have we such a great number of people doing the same in the world? We might have 200 individuals on the methadone programme, but they are not following only and only one discipline. They are following different channels of treatment and individuals are not following the same path.

When Congress60's members came to me to be liberated from addition, I asked them how they were. One said that when I was a child, I was suffering from Migraine and after my travel, I felt well and migraine was cured. Another individual said I was suffering from asthma and after travel I got well. An individual said I had colitis and after my travel it was cured. In the very beginning, I just said: "thank God you are feeling well now". However, after a while, I realized that the number of these people increased. I analysed my observations and tried to find out why after treating addiction, M.S. was treated. I tried to find the intersection of addiction and other diseases. We concluded that addiction is a "Chronic Replacement" in which the inner quasi-opioid substances are replaced by the outer drugs. While consuming drugs, the neurotransmitters get off balance. Using the DST method and opium, we re-balance them. Why do we use opium to treat addiction? Because opium has 25 to 50 alkaloids just the same as our body's.

Methadone consists of Thebaine which is one of the opium's' derivatives. Termadol consists of Narceine which is likewise one of the opium's derivatives. Therefore, opium is a complete series.

The X-system stated that drugs have gradually entered body and passed the Blood-Brain Barrier; therefore, the biochemical balance of hormones and neurotransmitter has been disrupted. In the DST method, we reverse the process. How is this balance disrupted? For instance, in the female drug-abusers, the process of ovulation is disrupted because their hormones do not receive the order for being secreted and there is no biochemical balance (in their body). However, after starting to be treated by the DST method, their ovulation mechanism started working. We observed all of these things.

It is our theory. We have conducted pilot studies based on the DST method with University of Tehran on spinal cord injuries and ulcerative colitis and we gained excellent results. However, the articles were not published. In these experiments, we realized that an intersection exists between addiction and other diseases. I called this intersection "X-system". The X-system consists of all the neurotransmitters, hormones, endocrine and exogenous glands and mediators. The X-system theory states that if these mediators and hormones get off balance, a disease will take place. For example, if serotonin decreases, autism will happen. If dynorphin diminishes, ulcerative colitis appears. If dopamine increases, the person will get Schizophrenia and if dopamine lessens, Parkinson will appear. Therefore, if these neurotransmitters get off balance, a disease will appear and if we redress this system, the disease will be cured.

The X-system is destroyed in two ways: with (negative) thoughts and with drugs. We have more than 150 diseases which are called psychosomatic. Ill thoughts affect body and an illness appears. Negative thoughts, fears, stress and depression all affect the X-system and produce diseases. We have observed that these diseases have been treated after the treatment of addiction. Many of Congress60's members could be pregnant after treating their addiction. We cannot carry out the treatment of diseases in Congress60, because it is being theorized right now. Physicians and experts must examine this method and then it can be carried out, because our zone of activity is treating addiction (and not diseases). Our members' illnesses were cured after treating their addiction, because as they treated their addiction, their X-system was redressed and get balanced. I am sure that the X-theory will make a tremendous evolution in the medical system, as it made such a revolution in the treatment of addiction.

Translated by Elahe


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