نسخه فارسی
نسخه فارسی

From Where to Where

From Where to Where

From where to where!

A friend said, why you say to everybody that you are traveler and say about your addiction? Is your addiction your pride? I smiled in response to him and went. But I thought about his statement, why should a traveler deny their past when they know it can have a message for others? Of course, it is not my thought that I should label my forehead to show them my past addiction. But I think if I can give a message to a person so that they  do not go through withdrawal and experience my past experiences; therefore, I illustrate the right way with my message and it is more valuable than others' opinion about me.

Often affected by the TV advertisements, people think that an addict who had lost everything in darkness and whose family, reputation, honor, youth and possessions have been taken by addiction, suddenly decides to get withdrawal; then, they shave their disheveled hair, go to the park, start running to get withdrawal and that night they will return to home spiritedly and see that everything is in its place! Some others; moreover, think that I as an addict have lost my will and because of more enjoyment, I am consuming drugs. They think I consume drugs because I have not a strong will. They think with having a strong faith and will, I can cure my addiction.

Furthermore, some people imagine that I got addicted on impulse for many years and I have not backbone to go through withdrawal and this problem is solved by having a little backbone and trusting God.

But people like me who have experienced the addiction and its abjection and they are free of the addiction by trusting God and helps of the Congress60 now, know that freedom of the addiction is more complicated than other's imagination and we should go through a hard and long way remedy. I weathered this difficult pass; therefore, I like to recite my difficulties. It is a good reminder for me in order to never forget my path (miss my kiblah) and it is a good experience for people who don’t know about the pain of addiction and joy of remedy.

In the past, my appearance was healthy but inside of me was a ruin. My love was a mask and inside of me was hate and hatred.

Maybe, we had a period of time whose remembrance is difficult for us. But if we forget these abjections, we won't appreciate present. If we remember those bad days and remind ourselves that we come from where, our top priorities will help the addicts' remedy.

  Today, I know many people who are coming to Congress 60 just like me to get liberated from addiction and some people are searching for the address of this place. Why should I deny my past then? Is there any more important issue than this? Are there any differences between my mother's torture (because of my addiction) and their mothers'? I think that helping others to  live better is the same as the distance between life and death.

I play Rugby with a healthy appearance now, but I must remember my past. I have honor among people now but I should never forget my past disreputes and struggles. I should never forget that I reach from where to where, if I forget, maybe I will experience that again. 

Prepared by: traveler Siavash

Translated by: companion Niloofar

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